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And I didn't wonder that she wuz a-gazin' so intent fur off ahead. For we don't know no more about that strange, onknown world than Columbus did when he sot sail from Genoa.

Sea-dogs; for sea-dogs is my sayin'. They tell of seals getting scurce; but I say, it's all in knowin' the business 'There's young captain Gar'ner, says I, 'that's fittin' out a schooner for some onknown part of the world, says I, 'maybe for the South Pole, for-ti-know, or for some sich out-of-the-way hole; now he'll come back full, or I'm no judge o' the business, says I."

With this bluff from the bench ringin' in my years, I shall refoose drinks with all onknown sots, ontil I sees for myse'f they's proper characters for me to be sociable with. Tharfore, barkeep, I renoo my determination to pay for them drinks; at the same tune, I orders another round. Do you turn for me or no?" ""Not none you don't," says the friend of Jack Rainey.

He's a crim'nal, an' any se'f-respectin' gent is jestified in refoosin' to affiliate with him. Wherefore, you ride away from every outcast you tracks up ag'inst who is engaged like you says this onknown party is the day he fetches loose his Winchester at you over by the Serrita la Cruz."

"If you stood there in that black, chokin' atmosphere, reekin' with all pestilental and moral death, and see the one you loved best a-slippin' away from you borne out of your sight, borne away into the onknown, on them dead waves of poisinous, deathly air I guess you wouldn't talk about reducin' the Surplus Population." I had been real eloquent, and I knew it, for I felt deeply what I said.

If it only obtains among the whites thar's one sport not onknown to me who would have shore passed up some heartaches. You can bet a hoss, no fam'ly of mine would pick out the lady who beats me for that divorce back in Laredo to be the spouse of Texas Thompson. Said household's got too much savey to make sech a break.

And what do we know of the travelers that go up and down on 'em and outward and homeward? These roads don't need any surveyor to lay 'em out, or path-master to clear 'em of snow and dirt, no weeds grow up by the wayside, nor dirt lays in the track. "No, clear and broad and unobstructed the luminous pathways may lay all round us onknown to us.

For he ort to be put side by side with Christopher Columbus. Both sailed out on the onknown, both discovered a new world. Columbuses world we have got the lay on now considerable, and we have mapped it out and counted the inhabitants. But who who shall map out this vast realm that Benjamin F. discovered? We stand jest by the sea-shore. We have jest landed from our boats.

"Thar's a sombre, sullen sport among the Osages who's troo name is the 'Bob-cat, but who's called the 'Knife Thrower. The Bob-cat is one of the Osage forty. Onknown to the others, this yere Bob-cat who it looks like is a mighty impressionable savage is himse'f in love with the dead Sunbright.

He stands an' chews on that bacon-skin for two hours; an' thar's heaven in his looks. "It gets so Prince Hal puts in all his spar' time at my camp. An' I donates flapjacks, bacon-skins an' food comforts yeretofore onknown to Prince Hal. He regyards that camp of mine as openin' a new era on the Caliente. "When not otherwise engaged, Prince Hal stands in to curry my ponies with his tongue.