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And I didn't wonder that she wuz a-gazin' so intent fur off ahead. For we don't know no more about that strange, onknown world than Columbus did when he sot sail from Genoa.

She wuz bound to help the old world along, as you could see by her looks. I thought when I first looked at it that the hull thing wuz to show forth the powers of electricity. I thought that that wuz Electricity on top of that throne, and the woman in front wuz a-gazin' out fur ahead, a-tryin' to catch sight of that most wondrous New World that that strange Magician is a-goin' to sail us into.

Some on 'em was pure white silky fur, and some on 'em as rich in colorin' as the most wonderful sunset colors you ever see in the red and golden west, or in the trees of a maple forest in October. And such pictures as hung on the walls I never see. Why, on one side of the room hung a picture that looked as if you wuz a-gazin' right out into a green field at sunset.

There, with all the wonder and glory of the hull world spread out before our eyes, and the hull world there a-lookin' at it, a-gazin' at strange people, strange customs, strange treasures and curiosities from every land under the sun wonders of the earth and wonders of the sea, marvels of genius and invention, and marvels of grandeur and glory, of Art and Nature, and the hull world a-lookin' on, and a-marvellin' at 'em.