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She might have known better than to send the square platter down to Ellen for an omelet, when the omelet was five times as long as it was broad." "You always had square omelets, though, at your house that is, whenever I was there you had," said Thaddeus. "And I suppose Jane's notion is that as things happened under your mother's regime, so they ought to happen here."

The guests of the neighboring hotels, as they dally with their morning's omelet, little imagine what varied uses come out of the shells which furnished them their anticipatory repast of disappointed chickens. If they had visited Mr.

Sometimes he would carry a man over on his shoulders; again he would eat a meal while on his wire; cook and eat an omelet, using a table and ordinary cooking utensils, all of which he kept balanced. In France Blondin was almost the patron saint of the rope-walkers; and at the present day the performers imitate his feats, but never with the same grace and perfection.

The proprietor was a good cook and he did his best for us, with omelet and pastry, and young, tender reindeer. It has been said that road-house keeping in Alaska is like soliciting life insurance "outside," the last resort of incompetence.

The inadequacy of the "one-portion" method of teaching girls to cook has aroused serious thought, and remedies of various sorts have been applied. You know, perhaps, the story of the Chicago cooking-school student who "had to make seven omelets in succession at home last night" because one egg would not make enough omelet for the family.

The supper young Stedman spread for his guests, as he still treated them, was very refreshing and very good. There was cold fish and pigeon pie, and a hot omelet filled with mushrooms and olives and tomatoes and onions all sliced up together, and strong black coffee.

Great care must be taken not to have the pan keep too hot after the cooking begins, for nothing burns so quickly as egg, and if scorched the delicate flavor is lost. Plain flour can be used with the proper proportions of baking powder. Omelet must be eaten directly after it comes from the fire to be tasted at its best.

Melt two tablespoons of butter in the omelet pan, when it is hot put in the mixture and let it stand in a moderate heat for two minutes, place in a hot oven and cook until set. Remove from the oven, turn on a hot platter and serve. Blend two tablespoons of butter with three tablespoons of flour. Place on range and stir until the butter is melted.

For during the next twenty hours the Amasis lay helpless in the midst of the stream, notwithstanding all the attempts of the officials and crew to free her from the bar, and it was not until Saturday morning that their efforts were crowned with success and the steamer floated free. However, we took the doctor's advice the first morning and finished our omelet and coffee.

Gee, I never knew chocolate and bacon went so good together." "To-morrow for breakfast I'll give you a boiled egg stuffed with caraway seeds," said Roy. "Give him a Dan Beard omelet," said Tom. "What's that?" asked Pee-wee, his two hands and his mouth running with greasy chocolate. "Salt codfish with whipped cream," answered Roy. "Think you'd like it?" Pee-wee felt sure he would.