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They are somewhat less homogeneous, and do not constantly represent the same degree of civilization. In this region, the monuments suggest successive and varying periods in the civilized condition of the old inhabitants, some of the oldest and most mysterious monuments seeming to indicate the highest development.

"Well, sir, hang me if one of his wives the oldest and ugliest of 'em wasn't sitting there holden a golden spittoon ready for him to use whenever he wanted." There was another roar of laughter, and Dick exclaimed,

Here and there they passed a battered negro cabin, its oldest white-haired inhabitant smoking a corncob pipe beside the door, and half a dozen scantily clothed pickaninnies parading tattered dolls on the wild-grown grass in front.

'You are making a fool of me, Sir Guy. What's a plain old man like me to do among all your lords and ladies, and finery and flummery? I'll do no such thing. 'Not to oblige me? 'Oblige you? Nonsense! Much you'll care for me! 'Nay, Markham, you must not stay away. You, my oldest and best friend, my only home friend.

First by a consideration of the oldest double varieties, and secondly by that of the very youngest. Are the older ones now in a better condition than at the outset? Have they really been gradually improved during the centuries of their existence? Obviously this can only be answered by a comparison of the figures given by older writers, with the varieties as they are now in culture.

'Good Casimir! a fellow of the lower order of intelligence, Jean-Marie, distinctly not creative, not poetic; and yet he will repay your study; his fortune is vast, and is entirely due to his own exertions. He is the very fellow to help us to dispose of our trinkets, find us a suitable house in Paris, and manage the details of our installation. Admirable Casimir, one of my oldest comrades!

You see, Lord Leighton is just a viscount now " "What, just a viscount!" exclaimed Mrs van Huysman, getting up from her chair and putting a plump arm round her neck. "Just a viscount and heir to one of the oldest peerages in England! Oh, Brenda, is it really true?"

Already in the oldest alchemistic manuals one operation is called the grave of Osiris. Here more clearly than anywhere else we see the masonic symbolism combined with the myth of the first parents or creation myth. No matter where it acts, the myth-making power never seems willing to belie its laws. Also the tree growing out of the grave or the body of the dead ancestor is not wanting.

As soon as G.J. had been let into the abode by Concepcion's venerable parlour-maid, the voice of Concepcion came down to him from above: "G.J., who is your oldest and dearest friend?" He replied, marvellously schooling his voice to a similar tone of cheerful abruptness: "Difficult to say, off-hand." "Not at all. It's your beard." That was her greeting to him.

Cook a man after his own heart of great literary research, and a curious collector of books At parting, the latter, in testimony of friendship, made him a present of the two oldest works in his collection; which were, the earliest edition of the Heidelberg Catechism, and Adrian Vander Donck's famous account of the New Netherlands; by the last of which Mr.