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There was the latent gentleman about him, and the sense of honor, and no little of the pride, of a young man of good family. The situation was offered him only a few hours before we sailed; and though he must give up returning to America, yet I have no doubt that the change from a dog's berth to an officer's, was too agreeable to his feelings to be declined.

"When the German Emperor took steps to appoint Catholic priests in the prisoners' camps where Irish soldiers are interned, the English at once appointed forty-five Catholic priests with officer's rank, to the British army in France. Even this measure, as well as the sudden diplomatic activity at the Vatican, is little calculated to extinguish the hate for England in the Irish mind.

The man seemed to think a moment; but Dan looked so very solemn, and Belle came sniffing up at the officer's legs; so he passed his hand over her back, and lost some of his leg in return. "Didn't I tell you," said Dan, "as you'd get something if you searched that dog? well, don't you go for to doubt me word next time we're meetin'. Good-day to yer honour.

In their proper places the young ensign hung his various uniforms, placed his shoes according to regulation, and stowed his linen and underclothing in the wardrobe drawers. After this a most welcome bath followed. Dave then dressed with care in a fresh blue uniform, stepped to the executive officer's office and signed for his evening orders.

Van Buren writhed in his chair. "It isn't that," he said, "life or death. It's wor I mean, it's different. It's it's these." He laid his hand on the officer's helpless legs, stretched out stiffly under a gay red afghan. "God!" he broke out, suddenly, "I don't know how you'll take it, old chap; and there's no sense in trying to break a thing like this gently.

Luckily, the other horses are as tired as thou, or my escape would be very questionable, even though I had wit enough about me to see to it that I got the officer's mount. Egad, a queer shift it is that ends with Lee in their hands and me spurring northward to repeat the general's orders to Sullivan. Who knows but Mrs. Meredith and the parson may be right in their holding to foreordination?"

"The long-boat only holds thirty men, and that's a big ship yonder." "Well, take two boats three boats! By Heaven, you'll never let 'em burn alive without stirring a finger to save 'em!" "They've got their own boats," says Blunt, whose coolness was in strong contrast to the young officer's impetuosity; "and if the fire gains, they'll take to 'em, you may depend.

Colonel Carmichael nodded as he helped the gasping and exhausted man into the bungalow. "Too lively to be talked about," he said. "I doubt if the regiment isn't going to add itself to the general disaster." "Oh, rot!" was the young officer's forgetful lapse into disrespect. "The regiment will do for the beggars all right. They didn't expect us so soon, I fancy. Just listen!

I got to drinking then, and told Captain Rayner that the th was down on me for swearing away the young officer's character; and then he took me to Company B when the colonel wouldn't have me any more in the th; and one night when Mrs.

The young officer's red face flushed deeper red. "I knew that we had been charged with such cruelties," he said, "but I had hoped that they were not true. Now, I must leave you here, and, upon my soul, I do not wish you any harm." He went out and Henry felt a heavy key turn in the lock.