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"Here," she continued, "is the original manuscript of the 'Ode to Winter. The early manuscripts are far less corrected than the later ones, as you will see directly.... Oh, do take it yourself," she added, as Mrs. Bankes asked, in an awestruck tone of voice, for that privilege, and began a preliminary unbuttoning of her white kid gloves.

With a step as cadenced and rhythmic as an ode, she crossed the threshold of the thalamus, and the wind of her veil with its floating folds almost touched the burning cheek of Gyges, who felt wellnigh on the point of fainting, and found himself compelled to seek the support of the wall; but soon recovering from the violence of his emotions, he approached the chink of the door, and took the most favourable position for enabling him to lose nothing of the scene whereof he was about to be an invisible witness.

I dipped into The Rape of the Lock, gloried in the Moral Essays, especially in the Characters of Women and the epistle to Bathurst on the use of riches. Gray, who was a special favourite of Leaker's, soon became a favourite of mine, and I can still remember how I discovered the Ode to Poesy and how I went roaring its stanzas through the house. Such lines as

The first of these, brief as it is, has a breadth and grandeur of manner which as in the noble fragment of Keats' Ode to Maia lift it into the rank of great masterpieces. The epithalamium, on the other hand, with which the book of lyrics ends, while very simple in structure, is large in scale.

The date of the victory is unknown: the ode seems to have been written long afterwards, probably for some anniversary celebration of the event.

Had their masters condescended to borrow the music of the slaves, they would have found none whose sentiments were suitable for the ode of a people undergoing the pangs of what was hoped to be the birth of a new nation.

'Well, let us to the baths, said Glaucus: 'this is the time when all the world is there; and Fulvius, whom you admire so much, is going to read us his last ode. The young men assented readily to the proposal, and they strolled to the baths.

The characters of the ode are colossi Adam, Cain, Noah; those of the epic are giants Achilles, Atreus, Orestes; those of the drama are men Hamlet, Macbeth, Othello. The ode lives upon the ideal, the epic upon the grandiose, the drama upon the real. Lastly, this threefold poetry flows from three great sources The Bible, Homer, Shakespeare.

One little brat who was busy teasing an unfortunate kitten stopped suddenly, and rushed off in search of pen and paper, with which he returned, and began at once to compose an ode 'To Tabitha. "'Fairest pussy ever seen! With thine eyes of clearest green, Fly me not. That was how it began, for he had become a poet."

Antigone looking down from the walls has nothing to do with the action, and Polynices enters the town under the safe-conduct of a truce, without any effect being thereby produced. After all the rest the banished Oedipus and a wordy ode are tacked on, being equally to no purpose." This is a severe criticism, but it is just.