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You and your serpents! I'll tell my husband of you, that's what I'll do." "Your WHAT?" roared Mr. Davis, springing to his feet. "My husband. He won't stand any of your nonsense, I can tell you. You'd better go before he comes in." "O-oh," said Mr. Davis, taking a long breath. "Oh, so you been and got married again, 'ave you?

She went up and put her hand on Kate's shoulder with more real tenderness than she had felt for months. "What's the matter, Kate? Did you hurt yourself? Is it your ankle?" she asked insipidly. "O-oh! Marion, you keep me nearly distracted! You must know I only want to guard you against oh gossip and trouble. You seem to look upon me as an enemy, lately Oh!

George, standing with his hands in his pockets, proclaimed loudly, with sparkling eyes: "You nearly saw your present! It's from mother and us. Come here, Baby, and pull brother's leg. Say, father, do you like cut glass?" "O-oh!" came in ecstatic chorus from the other two, as at a delightful joke. "It's a secret!" announced Baby, her yellow hair falling over one round, blue eye.

Oh, we have found you at last!" Bunny Brown, who had been listening to the piano music of the blind man, looked quickly at Lucile as she cried out about Uncle Bill. For Bunny remembered how much the actress girl and her brother had wanted to find their blind uncle, so he might tell them where their other uncle and aunt were. Sue just said: "O-oh!"

Win was lying flat on the close-cropped turf, his attitude indicating that he contemplated a nap. After a glance at his prostrate figure, the girls wandered to a little distance, seeking the pinkest daisies. Presently they were surprised by the sudden arrival of a beautiful collie, who poked a cold nose into Edith's face. "O-oh!" she exclaimed. "Go to Frances. She's the one who likes dogs.

"O-oh? Can you move your ears, then?" "Yes." By dint of great perseverance, Pelle had acquired that art in the course of the previous summer, so as not to be outdone by Rud. "Then, upon my word, I should like to see it!" exclaimed the clergyman. So Pelle worked his ears industriously backward and forward, and the priest and the school committee and the parents all laughed.

"No, Dorcas, they have not. I could scarcely expect promotion as yet, though it is true that I thought but never mind, others no doubt have better claims and longer service. I have, however, been honoured with a most responsible duty." "Indeed, dear. What duty?" "I have been nominated priest-in-charge of the Sisa Station." "O-oh! and where is that?

"Ruth will be ready, and so will I, to help in any way we can. But when are you to have a rest, may I ask?" "O-oh by and by. Lee and the others must have theirs first. They have been in saddle much longer and farther than I. When is Miss Harvey to have her rest, may I ask?" "We-l-l, I don't know. I'll say, 'perhaps by and by' too. Look! that man is calling you."

Of all things! Lew Kaminer!" She looked away to smile. "Drink it all down, baby-stare," he said, lifting the glass to her lips. They were well concealed and back away from the thinning patter of the crowd, so that, as he neared her, he let his face almost graze indeed touch, hers. She made a great pretense of choking. "O-oh! burns!" "Drink it down-like a major."

"Such as which?" asked the Yankee, with a twinkle. "There were two kinds." "But, o-oh! sir!" exclaimed the trio, when Miss Harper waved them to forbear. There was yet some daylight left as we trundled into a broad highroad and turned northward. We passed a picket guard and then a whole regiment of cavalry going into camp.