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But as I knew my old friend Simmons would be unhappy without his accustomed glass of beer " "That's me," said Barney Bill, nudging Paul with his elbow. "Simmons. You never knowed that afore, did yer? Beg pardon, guv'nor, for interrupting." "Well, there's a jug of beer and that is all at this hour, except water, that I can put before you."

We must know what is in your blanket!" they shouted in both his ears. Some even brushed their wings against the mysterious bundle. Nudging himself again, wily Iktomi said, "My friends, 't is only a pack of songs I carry in my blanket." "Oh, then let us hear your songs!" cried the curious ducks. At length Iktomi consented to sing his songs.

The impromptu part of the programme began earlier than it was advertised. Some whisper of the plan had leaked through the chinks of the wall between the shanty and the stable. When the crowd came shambling into the cabin, snickering and nudging one another, Jean and Pierre were standing by the stove at the upper end of the long table. "Down with the canaille!" shouted Jean.

And Barney twinkled forward on his small hoofs, nozzled the open hand, and came closer, nozzling up the arm, nudging Collins's shoulders with his nose, half-rearing as if to get across the ropes and embrace him. What he was really doing was begging and entreating Collins to take him away out of the squared ring from the torment he knew awaited him.

"Law!" exclaimed Polly Ann, nudging me, "it was a lucky thing we run into you in the valley." But presently we left the road and took a mountain trail, as stiff a climb as we had yet had. Polly Ann went up it like a bird, talking all the while to Riley, who blew like a bellows. For once he was silent. We spent two, perchance three, days climbing and descending and fording.

His servants, wondering why he did not go abroad or betake himself to some task, came and peeped at him, and went away whispering and pointing and nudging one another. And he knew it.

Then he came out with an artfully simulated interest in the weather, and, nudging Caius at intervals, apparently to enforce silence on a topic concerning which the young man as yet knew nothing, he wended his way with him along a path through a thicket of young fir-trees which bordered the road. The two men were going towards that part of the shore to which Caius was bound.

He got up, trembling, clutching his bag, and holding out one hand to clasp hers. Lizzie Graham took it, and stood stock-still for one hard moment.... Then she led him down-stairs, out upon the porch, past the loafers gaping and nudging each other. "Goin' to be married, after all, Mis' Graham?" some one said. And Lizzie Graham turned and faced them. "No," she said, calmly.

Paul sat near with his whisky. He noticed the girls whispering and nudging. Presently one, a bonny dark hussy, leaned to him and said: "Have a chocolate?" The others laughed loudly at her impudence. "All right," said Paul. "Give me a hard one nut. I don't like creams." "Here you are, then," said the girl; "here's an almond for you." She held the sweet between her fingers. He opened his mouth.

"Gentleman so kind as to act as my solicitor," says Grandfather Smallweed. "I am not the sort of client for a gentleman of such note, but he is so good!" Mr. Guppy, slightly nudging his friend to take another look, makes a shuffling bow to Mr. Tulkinghorn, who returns it with an easy nod. Mr. Tulkinghorn is looking on as if he had nothing else to do and were rather amused by the novelty.