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Mishter Newland, you vash a gentleman, you vill pay me my monish. You vill pay me part of my monish. I have de agreement in my pocket, all ready to give up." "If I have not the money, how can I pay you?" "Fader Abraham, if you have not de monish you must have some monish; den you will pay me a part. How much vill you pay me?" "Will you take five hundred pounds, and return the agreement?"

Welland was terribly upset; he had a slight temperature every morning while we were waiting to hear what had been decided. It was the horror of his girl's learning that such things were possible but of course, dear Newland, you felt that too. We all knew that you were thinking of May." "I'm always thinking of May," the young man rejoined, rising to cut short the conversation.

"My name, sir," replied I, "is Newland;" for I had resolved to acknowledge to my name, and fall back upon a new line of defence. "Thought so don't know me don't recollect shop Mr Brookes's Tim rudiments and so on." "I have not the least objection to tell you my name; but I am afraid you have the advantage in your recollection of me. Where may I have had the honour of meeting you?"

Therefore, for totally different reasons, her food was as poor as Mrs. Archer's, and her wines did nothing to redeem it. Newland Archer, as he mused on these things, had once more turned his eyes toward the Mingott box. He saw that Mrs.

Consequently there was much hurrying about, and Newland and Tarlton's warehouse was the center of throngs of waiting porters and the scene of intense activity as each party sorted and assembled its mountains of supplies. Seager and Wormald got off first, going by train to Kijabe, where they were to begin their ten days' march in the Sotik.

"I can assure you, sir," said Lord Windermear, proudly, "that this is my relative, Major Carbonnell, and the other is my friend, Mr Newland. I will bail them for any sum you please." The magistrate felt astonished and annoyed, for, after all, he had only done his duty. Before he could reply, a man came from the shop to say that the laces had been found all right.

His lordship evidently perceived the monomania which controlled me, and heard me with great attention. "You certainly, Mr Newland, do not stand so low in my opinion as you did before this explanation, and I must make allowances for the excitement under which I perceive you to labour on one subject; but now, sir, allow me to put one question, and I beg that you will answer candidly.

There Professor Newland's assistant, Professor Brighton, stated he had again observed a new "star" an interplanetary vehicle, as Professor Newland described it. Only a single one had been observed this time. It was seen just before dawn of the 9th.

"Why!" replied Mr Masterton, chuckling; "because recollect, it is a secret, Mr Newland I remember some twenty years ago, when she was a girl of eighteen, before she married, she had a little faux pas, and I was called in about a settlement, for the maintenance of the child." "Is it possible, sir?" replied I, anxiously.

Run and see." I left the Major, and went up to where Lord Tineholme lay, his head raised on the knee of his second. "It is all over with him, Mr Newland, the ball has passed through his brain." The Major pays the only debt of consequence he ever did pay, and I find myself a man of property.