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He was heard to say afterward that he couldn't approve of "no such newfangled notions," and that he believed the boys and girls of Poketown "better stick to the three R's reading, 'riting, and 'rithmetic!" However, the opinion of the people in general seemed to be in favor of the new ideas, and they promised to back up Nelson Haley in his work of modernizing the school.

Even if you did slip, then, I'll be there to hold you up. Come on." We started down, with honest old Peter's long arms clinging to the ladder on either side of me and my feet following his, step by step, as we went like a newfangled sort of quadruped down the narrow steel rungs. We were within thirty feet of the ground when I made ever so slight a misstep and brought Peter up short.

I was thankful that the spike was a short one and not one of the newfangled aluminium spikes which would have penetrated much further and might easily have done damage to the bone. Only a short spike is necessary just long enough to go into crusted snow and hold.

Neither of the old people wore glasses, and their light was a tallow candle; they couldn't afford "none o' them newfangled lamps." The room was small, the chairs wooden, and the walls bare-a home where poverty was a never-absent guest.

Gregory of Tours, whose inclination would not be to make little of the early Church in Gaul, seeing that he was a Gallo-Roman of lofty lineage, and not a newfangled Frank, quotes with complete assent the statement that a great missionary effort had to be made in Gaul about the year 250 to spread Christianity; and that so late as that, missionary bishops had to be sent neither he nor his authority says by whom to seven cities and districts, in most of which, we should otherwise have supposed, Christianity in its full form had for many years existed.

He is the man that's had a bee in his bonnet for the last ten years about a newfangled idea for making castings of steel. He brought me his plans once, but I told him they were no good. But last month he asked me to make some castings for him to go on his contrivance. Of course I did; we cast anything for anybody provided they can pay for it.

The father, on the other hand, came over in the shabby pony-cart he had driven for the last forty years, and having himself no press of business, would spend hours with the Rector over the cases, giving them an infinity of patient watching, and amusing Robert by the cautious hostility he would allow himself every now and then toward his souls newfangled devices.

Monsieur and Mademoiselle, I and my companions" "He should say, 'My companions and I," whispered Jeanne "are well brought up frogs. We know our place in society. We disapprove of newfangled notions. We are frogs we desire to be nothing else, and we are deeply sensible of the honour Monsieur and Mademoiselle have done us by this visit." "He really speaks very nicely," said Jeanne in a whisper.

I could not conceive it prudent for the Queen of an absolute monarchy to countenance any of their newfangled philosophical experiments with my presence. Now, I feel the reward in my own conscience. I exult in my freedom from a self-reproach, which would have been altogether insupportable under the kindness of which you speak.

But when I tell you that I've knowed that girl for about five years, an' that there wasn't a mean thought in her head until you brought your dirty carcass to her father's shack, an' that to me she's a kid in spite of her long dresses and her newfangled furbelows, you'll understand a heap about how I feel right now.