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Above the box, which was about two and a half feet square, was an electric motor from which ran a belt connecting with the inner mechanism; from the front of the box protruded the lens, its glassy eye so turned as to get a full sweep of the track; nearby on the ground were piled the storage batteries which were used to supply the current for the motor.

The door of a nearby house suddenly flew open and a fleshy, round-shouldered man appeared. He saluted, then said: "Good evening, Messieurs! I see you have my little girl with you." "Monsieur Bauer!" The captain stood up, ignoring the other's salute. "I suppose you know that you are now under arrest?" "It is what I feared. May I take my little girl inside?"

A cheery little cricket chirped somewhere in this scene of impending failure; nearby a katydid was grinding out her old familiar song as if it were the latest popular air. In the barn across the yard the discordant sound of the horses kicking the echoing boards sounded clear in the still night and seemed a part of the homely music of the countryside.

"Where's the manager?" A smug mannikin whose uniform was a dress suit, the business manager himself, eyed him in no friendly spirit from a nearby corner. "This is Mr. L ," one of the satellites now approached and explained to the manager. "He's connected with M 's Magazine. He does short stories and dramatics occasionally." The manager bowed.

In the nearby stables horses were saddled for us and we set off for a day's trip all within the confines of the farm, under guidance of the bulky Mexican head overseer in all his wealth of national garb and armament. For miles away in several directions immense fields were being plowed by dozens of ox-teams, the white garments of the drivers standing out sharply against the brown landscape.

Before many hours had passed, she and the child had scoured the nearby edges of the forest for woods that were dried, seasoned, and yet solid. They had carried armfuls back to the fir shack, and the work of carving had begun.

The refugees ran out of this door into the garden and through another door out to the creek that ran nearby, where the monks had a boat of their own, which would hold fifty persons. All got in except one lay brother, who at the first alarm had fled and was hidden in a thicket of cane.

Partridges whistled clear and flutelike from a nearby cover; the stream flashed in the sun, mirroring on its unwrinkled surface the stiff, somber figures gathered for the funeral. The droning voice of the preacher drew out interminably through the sultry, golden hour.

She used to enjoy them so much, but now she liked nothing except to go with Uncle Ephraim out into the fields where she could sit alone while he worked nearby, or to ride with Morris as she sometimes did when he made his round of calls.

Here he was brought to an abrupt halt by nearby voices, and he could not possibly avoid hearing some of the conversation. The voices were those of Mrs. Goring and Leyden, and anger was the keynote of the discussion. "I tell you, Juliana, I won't stand this hounding!" Leyden was saying. "Remember you are not in Batavia now; and if you drive me to extremes, this jungle can hide a secret."