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A postscript bore, "I learned from a decent woman, a grazier's widow, that they hae a cure for the muir-ill in Cumberland, whilk is ane pint, as they ca't, of yill, whilk is a dribble in comparison of our gawsie Scots pint, and hardly a mutchkin, boiled wi' sope and hartshorn draps, and toomed doun the creature's throat wi' ane whorn.

The door itself was blazoned with the name of Gideon Gray, M. A. Surgeon, &c. &c. "Half a mutchkin on Luckie Simson!" "Auld Peg Tamson against the field!" "Mair speed, Alison Jaup, ye'll tak the wind out of them yet!" "Canny against the hill, lasses, or we may have a burstern auld earline amang ye!"

Why, we have hardly ever seen the back of the ridge black for half-an-hour." "I know," said Eben, shaking his head, "but they are long-patienced fellows, these sappers not like cavalrymen or lazy Preventives, who want nothing better than to lie up with a pipe and a mutchkin!" "Some night we shall row over and see, Eben," said Stair, preparing to depart.

And I'se gie ye a mutchkin mysell, man, if I can settle weel wi' Christy Wilson." The farmer returned at the hour appointed, and with him came Christy Wilson, their difference having been fortunately settled without an appeal to the gentlemen of the long robe.

"Hout, deills i' the wife, wi' her saughs, and her sunkies, and Ellangowans Godsake, woman, let me away there's saxpence t'ye to buy half a mutchkin, instead o' clavering about thae auld-warld stories." The farmer laughed and promised, and the Gipsy retreated. "Will you take her advice?" said Brown, who had been an attentive listener to this conversation. "That will I no the randy quean!

He told the story at great length to a full audience in the kitchen, and concluded by swearing, that if ever the devil spoke by the mouth of a woman, he had spoken by that of Meg Merrilies that blessed day. Paint Scotland greeting ower her thrissle, Her mutchkin stoup as toom's a whistle, And d-n'd excisemen in a bustle, Seizing a stell; Triumphant crushin't like a mussell, Or lampit shell. Burns.

"Ye've found a fair provost at the job, Barshalloch," one of them hiccupped. "Better quit and pay for the mutchkin." My antagonist took every care with his last shot, and, just missing the cockade, hit the hat about the middle, cut the branch on which it rested, and brought it fluttering to the ground a pace or two farther on.

And, during the service of my hand-maiden, Dorothy, who was buxom and comely of aspect, his Honour the Laird of Smackawa, in his peregrinations to and from the metropolis, was wont to prefer my Prophet's Chamber even to the sanded chamber of dais in the Wallace Inn, and to bestow a mutchkin, as he would jocosely say, to obtain the freedom of the house, but, in reality, to assure himself of my company during the evening.

Godsake, woman, let me away; there's saxpence t' ye to buy half a mutchkin, instead o' clavering about thae auld-warld stories. 'Thanks to ye, gudeman; and now ye hae answered a' my questions, and never speired wherefore I asked them, I'll gie you a bit canny advice, and ye maunna speir what for neither. Tib Mumps will be out wi' the stirrup-dram in a gliffing.

At the entry of the wood there is a wild common, and on the edge of the common a little lonely change-house, that was keepit then by an hostler wife, they suld hae caa'd her Tibbie Faw, and there puir Steenie cried for a mutchkin of brandy, for he had had no refreshment the haill day.