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For what do you take us, Gervaise?" It is certain that the provincial was on the point of taking offence, for the honor of her pillory. Fortunately, that discreet damoiselle, Oudarde Musnier, turned the conversation in time. "By the way, Damoiselle Mahiette, what say you to our Flemish Ambassadors? Have you as fine ones at Reims?"

"Hold, I know him" said one of them; "'tis Master Andry Musnier." "Because he is one of the four sworn booksellers of the university!" said the other. "Everything goes by fours in that shop," cried a third; "the four nations, the four faculties, the four feasts, the four procurators, the four electors, the four booksellers."

"Good day, Mister Elector!" "Good night, Madame Electress!" "How happy they are to see all that!" sighed Joannes de Molendino, still perched in the foliage of his capital. Meanwhile, the sworn bookseller of the university, Master Andry Musnier, was inclining his ear to the furrier of the king's robes, Master Gilles Lecornu. "I tell you, sir, that the end of the world has come.

"Let us make haste, Demoiselle Mahiette," said the youngest of the three, who was also the largest, to the provincial, "I greatly fear that we shall arrive too late; they told us at the Chatelet that they were going to take him directly to the pillory." "Ah, bah! what are you saying, Demoiselle Oudarde Musnier?" interposed the other Parisienne. "There are two hours yet to the pillory.

"I ask no better," said Oudarde with a sigh, "but I am waiting until it shall suit the good pleasure of M. Andry Musnier." "However, Paquette's child had more that was pretty about it besides its feet. I saw her when she was only four months old; she was a love! She had eyes larger than her mouth, and the most charming black hair, which already curled.

"Well," began Jean Frollo once more, "we must play the devil with them."* * Faire le diable a quatre. "Musnier, we'll burn your books." "Musnier, we'll beat your lackeys." "Musnier, we'll kiss your wife." "That fine, big Mademoiselle Oudarde." "Who is as fresh and as gay as though she were a widow." "Devil take you!" growled Master Andry Musnier.