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Updated: August 31, 2024

She was an independent girl, who had always thought and acted for herself, and there had never been anything like sisterly familiarity between the eldest and youngest of the Mountjoys. The distance between them was too great, and perhaps the elder, in filling the position of a mother to her little sister, had at first assumed a little too much of the authority of one.

He was very intimate with the Mountjoys, and was aware that his circumstances were known to them. There was no reason, on the score of money, why he should not marry the niece of Sir Magnus. He had already shown some attention to Florence, which, though it had excited no suspicion in her mind, had been seen and understood by her aunt; and it had been understood also by Mr. Anderson.

Brought personally in contact with powerful Sovereigns, or pitted at home against the Sydneys, Mountjoys, Chichesters, and Straffords, the lessons of Bacon and Machiavelli found apt scholars in the halls of Dunmanway and Dungannon.

Faces turned white, voices were hushed, work was suspended at the mill, in the stores, and even upon farms. One home, where a loving mother bowed in deepest agony, was shrouded in gloom, while others were filled with the sympathy of mourning. The Mountjoys first heard the news at Sunday-school, where Etta found her class so full of the horror that they could attend to nothing else.

Another hired teacher was not to be thought of, for the school committee were not entrusted with spare funds, and the Mountjoys, who might have furnished a teacher's board and salary upon ordinary occasions, were this winter taxed to the utmost strain their finances would bear. In this dilemma Etta made the startling proposition of becoming teacher herself. "You!" said Eunice, in astonishment.

The countess had what is called 'a horror of those Mountjoys, and those Montacute Mountjoys, and what added to her annoyance was, that Lord Valentine was always flirting with the Misses Montacute Mountjoy.

And yet he knew that on no consideration would he acknowledge himself to have been wrong. It was still October when Harry Annesley went down to Buston, and the Mountjoys had just reached Brussels. Mr. Grey had made his visit to Tretton and had returned to London. Harry went home on an understanding, on the part of his mother, at any rate, that he should remain there till Christmas.

It would appear that he duly estimated the importance of the event they were commemorating, yet was not of a habit of mind that overestimated anything. A Strange Proposal THE week of celebration was over: some few guests remained, near relatives, and not very rich, the Montacute Mountjoys, for example.

The Mountjoys dismissed all their servants but one, the three daughters cheerfully doing each a share of the housework, and assisting in the preparation of broths, gruels, and other things needed for the sick and poor, who greatly missed the higher wages which their natural protectors had been earning.

Brought personally in contact with powerful Sovereigns, or pitted at home against the Sydneys, Mountjoys, Chichesters, and Straffords, the lessons of Bacon and Machiavelli found apt scholars in the halls of Dunmanway and Dungannon.

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