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And no well there, either, that you'd get the fill of a teaspoon out of" a "tayspoon" it was in the rosy Sister's Dublin brogue "and yet there's water there." "But how " Saxham began. The Mother-Superior shook her head, and the rosy Sister was silent. "There is no mystery about the water at all. It is very simple."

She raved against me madly, and begged the mother-superior to send me away, as I had come there to damn her. The good lady chid her with all a true mother's gentleness, and told her to leave the room, adding that all who came there only desired that she should be saved eternally.

Me, if I 'ad not make to ascend and learn how it go vid you, Lynette vould 'ave come running up to make discovery for herself. She behave like a little crazy, a little mad sing I forget your vord for she zat have lost 'er vits! Sister Tobias and me, we 'ave to 'old 'er." The fine, expressive eyes went past the Mother-Superior, and lighted with evident relief on Saxham.

Only the bâton was a well-worn staghorn-handled crop, Squire Saxham's gift, together with a hunter, to his boy Owen, at seventeen. It was one of the few relics of home that had stayed by Saxham during his wanderings. He reined up now, saluting the Mother-Superior with marked respect. "Good-morning, ma'am. All well with you and yours?"

Under the mother-general there are mother-superiors, one to each estate, administering and governing it, but under this mother-superior at Paris.

"Quite right, Katie. Now go and tell Sister Tobias to show him into the parlour. I will be there directly." Katie bobbed and vanished. When the Mother-Superior came into the parlour, the visitor was standing near the fireplace, with his hands behind his back. One wore a shabby dogskin riding-glove.

The Mother-Superior drew her swiftly out of the sick child's hearing and sight. And a shadow fell upon the thin light coverlet, and a crisp, decided voice said: "Then Hammy's tummy is a mutinous soldier, and must be taught to obey the Word of Command."

Lennan!" said the Mother-Superior. "Be pitiful and forget. She did not think she had not suffered. Be pitiful, now that her hour has come!" The thick voice of the Boer woman broke out again: "Did ever I miss of the Nachtmaal? Alamachtig, no!

Consent to take the step I urge upon you, retreat with your nuns to Cape Town while the opportunity is yours." He folded his arms, having spoken this curtly and crisply. The Mother-Superior rose up out of her chair.

She is sister to the Mother-Superior, and she sends to me at Christmas and Easter, and on birthdays, by the Mother's wish. Doesn't the Mother's second sister, the Princesse de Dignmont-Veziers, send Katie" Katie was a little Irish novice "presents from Paris twice a year?" Greta's pretty eyebrows went up. Her blue greedy eyes became circular with surprise.