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But as we swung up the moorland road I let him know that I was serving the Government, but that it was necessary that I should appear to be unauthenticated and that therefore I must dodge the police. He whistled his appreciation. 'Gad, that's a deep game. Sort of camouflage? Speaking from my experience it is easy to overdo that kind of stunt.

The mean level of the country is a little more than three thousand feet above the sea, which makes the atmosphere proportionally brisk and wholesome. There is little timber except pines, and the greater part of the country lies in moorland pasture.

The delightful thing to me is to observe that you are willing to let us have a little of your culture at your own price, but we shall not want it; we shall have our own culture, and it will be a much bigger and finer thing than the puling reveries of hedonists; it will be like the sea, not like the scattered moorland pools."

Across the white waste we tore, up a stiff ascent and down across the moorland again still westward; and now across the stretches of the moor I could catch the strong scent of the sea upon the wind. Along the level we sped, silent and swift beneath the moon. Here a white house by the roadside glimmered out and was gone; there a mine-chimney shot up against the sky and faded back again.

The wonder was, how they could have found their way into the paper, and they were followed by more with the like signature. Indeed, the great sensational tale, 'The Waif of the Moorland, was being copied out of the books where it had been first written. Dolores had sounded Mr.

Isoult brought bread and goats'-milk cheese, and they broke their fast sitting on the threshold, while the sun slowly rose behind the house and lit up the ground before them a broken moorland with heather- clumps islanded in pools of black water. The white forest mist hid every distance and the air was shrewdly cold; but Prosper and the friar gossiped cheerfully as they munched.

May we dare, in this meaning, to apply to Christ that sense of proprietorship, which makes a bit of moorland waste, a few yards of garden-ground, dear to the freeholder? "Breathes there the man with soul so dead, Who never to himself hath said, This is my own . . .?"

Neither of them was inclined to quarrel with the treeless country about them: they were lapped in foliage; nor with the desolate moorland hills around them: they only drove them closer together. Time unmeasured by either passed without speech. "They tell't me," said Alec at length, "that you and Curly had made it up."

He heard voices, but they were silent; he saw forms, but they were shadowy. As he turned over page after page he read as never before the record of his half-century's pastorate his moorland ministry among an ever-changing people, and there passed before him the pageant of a life not loud in blare, nor brilliant in colour but sombre, stately, and true.

Its course lay through a romantic valley hidden between high heather-clad moorland; they saw nothing of their destination nor of the coast until, coming to a stop in a little station perched high on the side of a hill they emerged to see shore and sea lying far beneath them. With a mutual consent they passed outside the grey walls of the station-yard to take a comprehensive view of the scene.