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I reply, my old bad luck has not forsaken me. I always seem to come in for monkey's allowance more kicks than halfpence. Three months ago I thought my fortune was made, and that I might come home a South American nabob. Nothing of the kind. Here I was, almost on the spot, when the first news of the gold was received.

"Each to his mind doth the fairest enfold, For broken long since was Beauty's mould"; and, "Thou that art old, withered, I cannot flatter thee, as I can in no way pay compliments to the monkey's tail of high design; nevertheless the Sage would do thee honour"? So read I thy illustration, O keen of wit! and thou art forgiven its boldness, my betrothed, Wullahy! utterly so.

"Don't believe it!" he said. "It isn't true." Saltash grinned a little. His face had the dreary look of something lost that a monkey's sometimes wears. "You needn't believe it, son, if you don't want to," he said. "But it's true all the same. That's why I gave you that licking, see? Just to emphasize the difference between us." "It isn't true!" Toby asserted again almost fiercely.

On examination being made, it was found that the broken and empty brandy-bottle lay on the floor of the monkey's nest, and it was conjectured, from the position in which it was discovered, that that dissipated little creature, having broken off the neck in order to get at the brandy, had used the body of the bottle as a pillow whereon to lay its drunken little head.

"If Doctor Johnson's mind runs in the same channels that the monkey's mind runs in, why may we not say that Doctor Johnson, being a man, has certain qualities of the monkey, and is therefore, in a sense, of the same strain?" "You may say what you please," retorted Johnson, wrathfully, "but I'll make you prove what you say about me."

That's being a trump, that is; and we two's shipmates after this here." Old Brownsmith did not speak, and Ike went on: "I say, master, what a bad un you do think me! I'd ha' hated myself as long as I lived, and never forgive myself, if I'd done such a thing. Look ye here my monkey's up now, master did yer ever know me ill-use the 'orses?" "No, Ike," said Old Brownsmith shortly. "Never once.

You see, when a man's monkey's up he hits hard; and if you and me ketched Pete Warboys over in our garden, and hit as hard as we could, we might break him; and though I says to you it wouldn't be a bit o' consequence, that there old rampagin' witch of a granny of his would come up here cursing every one, and making such filliloo that there'd be no bearing it." "Well, that wouldn't harm anybody."

I tell you, Uncle Billy, the Lord's on the monkey's side can't you see it?" Uncle Billy smiled and shook his head. He was interrupted by low laughter and cheers. A villager had drawn a crude picture on a white paste-board and was showing it around. A huge dog was shaking a lifeless monkey and under it was written: "What Bonaparte Done To The Monkey!"

Which shows as 'ow Natur' don't know 'ow to do it, seein' as if we 'adn't wanted a tail, she'd a' took it sheer off an' not left any behind. But the doctors thinks they knows a darn sight better'n Natur', an' they'll soon be givin' lessons in the makin' o' man to the Lord A'mighty hisself! Hor er hor! Pendlecitis! That's a precious monkey's tail, that there!

He skipped to the door and showed me the whole tragic mystery. The door, it is shut ecco! He releases the catch, and pouf! she flies open. She flies open. It is quite final. The brown, expressionless, ageless eyes, that remind me of a monkey's, or of onyx, wait for me. I feel the responsibility devolve upon me. I am anxious. 'Allow me, I said, 'to come and look at the door.