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And now, at 12.45 p.m., we reach Modane, are past the Italian boundary, and once more in la belle France. Here there is a good buffet, and a French breakfast ready for those who wish it. And now farewell to fair Italia!

At Modane the scenery is very grand: fine waterfalls, rocky mountains with great pine forests, and their slopes sometimes enlivened by the pink blossom of the almond tree a capital place for Alpine climbers.

Then they traveled by train to London and a day or two later to Southampton, then by channel steamer to Havre, then by train to Paris, where most of the men were assigned to service in France. Those going to Italy, some thirty-five, including Saylor and Cornwall, several days later traveled by train through Southwestern France to Modane, then by way of Turin to Bologna.

As early as Calais they began to suspect it; in Paris they feared it; at Modane they knew it; at Mezzago they concealed it, driving out to Castagneto in two separate flys, the nose of the one almost touching the back of the other the whole way.

So we paced the platform at Modane trying to look unconcerned while the soldiers of France, Italy, Russia, Belgium, England and Rumania walked by us, clearly wondering what form of military freak we were.

Have you forgotten? I haven't. The one thing I omitted and I don't see how I missed it was to call the gendarmes there at Modane and denounce you to them. It's more than kind of you to glide over my imbecilities; I appreciate it. But when I think of that evening I want a nice, deep, dark dungeon, somewhere underground, to hide."

Thus it shouted its warning, like the thousands of its kind that are scattered about the trains, the boats, the railroad stations, and all the public places of France. "You thought I was the ears of the enemy, didn't you?" the girl was asking. "You thought I was a German agent. I might have guessed! Well, in that case it was kind of you not to hand me over to the Modane gendarmes.

To join me in his fraud, in fact " "The scoundrel! Upon my word, he has been well served. And that was the last you saw of him?" "I saw him on the journey, at Turin, at Modane, at Oh, Sir Charles, do not ask me any more about him!" she cried, with a sudden outburst, half-grief, half-dread. "I cannot tell you I am obliged to I I " "Then do not say another word," he said, promptly.

Run it to the death, while the party got clear away. "I had made a nice calculation. Fuentellato was at no great distance from Parma, on the main line of railway. If she started at once, via Piacenza to Turin, she could catch the Mont Cenis express through to Modane and Culoz, where she could change for Geneva, so as to reach me some time on Tuesday. "This was exactly what happened.

He put that question to himself a thousand times. And for the thousandth time was he compelled to answer in the affirmative. "By which route do you intend travelling to Italy to-morrow?" he asked. "By Paris and Modane. We go first for a week to Nervi, on the coast beyond Genoa," was her reply. Fetherston paused.

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