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When the inflow of merry-makers had ceased, bewildered, trembling, she looked with blanched face toward the spot where the soldier had been standing, but he was gone. At that moment the cathedral clock began to strike twelve times it sounded, and, at the last stroke, the Mistick Krewe, one by one began to disappear, vanishing as mysteriously as they had come.

That elusive, nocturnal company, "The Mistick Krewe of Comus," had appeared "Comus, deep skilled in all his mother's witcheries" and the dwellers in Phantasmagoria were joyfully numerous. More plentiful than at a modern spectacular performance, reveled gods, demons and fairies, while the children resembled a flight of masquerading butterflies.

The pleasure yacht of some millionaire stock-jobber to-day will be ten times that size, while 20,000 tons has come to be an every-day register for an ocean vessel; but our pleasure-seeking "Corsairs," and our castellated "City of New York" will never fill so big a place in history as this little sloop, the size of a river lighter, launched at Mistick, and straightway dispatched to the trade with the Dutch at New Amsterdam.

"The young lady saw you at the Mistick Krewe ball last night, and, recognizing an old friend," with a slight accent "pressed me into her service. And now, having completed my errand, I will wish you good-morning!" And the lawyer briskly departed. The young man's hand trembled as he tore open the envelope, but he surveyed the contents of the brief message with tolerable firmness.

"When Mr. Johnathan Wade of Ipswich came first to my house att Andover in the yeare 72, to make a motion of marriage betwixt his son Nathaniel and my daughter Mercy hee freely of himself told mee what he would give to his son vz. one halfe of his Farme att Mistick and one third p't of his land in England when hee dyed, and that hee should have liberty to make use of p't of the imp'ved and broken upp ground upon the sd Farme, till hee could gett some broken upp for himselfe upon his owne p't and likewis | that hee should live in and have the use of halfe the house, and untill he had one | of his owne built upon his p't of the farme.

"Oh, Madam!" he said, bowing. "Miss Carew does not agree with you, I am sure?" Turning to the girl. "I haven't given the matter any thought," she replied, coldly. She shivered slightly, nervously, and looked around. At that moment the lights were turned on in the garden another surprise arranged by the Mistick Krewe! illuminating trees and shrubbery, and casting a sudden glare upon the balcony.

Proteus, Momus, the Mistick Krewe of Comus, and the other lesser societies celebrated their distinctive nights with torch and float and tableau; the city was transformed by day with bunting and flags, by night it was garlanded with fire; merrymakers thronged the streets, their carnival spirit entered into every breast.