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The commissioners having fulfilled the mission confided to them, their report will be laid before you at an early day.

He was anxious to know just how she had fared in his absence, she to hear the full story of his mission. He confessed to her that his offer to load himself up with the whole party had been made in a momentary burst of feeling. Afterwards he had repented his impulsiveness. "On your account, love. Though when I see how well you've managed you dear, clever little woman!"

As soon as I was ready I went to his library and waited for him; I couldn't go down and receive a foreign mission without him. He said it quite smilingly, but I understood very well, and of course we ought to have been there when the first guests arrived.

"What could be so secret about this mission?" he asked. "I don't know," answered Roger. "After that speech the president of the Solar Council made the other night, the whole Alliance must know about the project, the screening, and practically everything else." Strong laughed. "You space brats see adventure and mystery in everything.

'Put on my tombstone, he gasped in an interval of pain, 'here lies Henry Lawrence, who tried to do his duty, and may God have mercy on him. For a while it seemed to Havelock that his whole mission had been a failure; and indeed he is said never to have recovered the two shocks that followed so close on each other, though there was no time to think about his feelings or indulge regret.

Through a cloud of smoke the two men talked for a while. They were going on a mission that might very easily result in death. No one would have guessed it from their talk, which, after half an hour of quiet, business-like conversation, drifted into desultory gossip and reminiscences. "Sir Hilary wanted me to take a dozen men," said Foyle. "I told him the two of us would be plenty."

Our past had no other mission than to lift us to the moment at which we are, and there equip us with the needful experience and weapons, the needful thought and gladness. If, at this precise moment, it take from us and divert to itself one particle of our energy, then, however glorious it may have been, it still was useless, and had better never have been.

On my arrival within forty miles of the station, I was informed that all doubt upon the subject had been removed by a party of natives who had passed the Mission station, and who pretended an acquaintance with all the particulars of the massacre.

They know his ability to put together a fighting force of allies. His mission is vital to our security. We should all stand behind him, and give him every bit of help we can. Part of our job will be to reinforce the military strength of our European partners by sending them weapons and equipment as our military production expands.

The principles proposed for the constitution and discipline of the church were afterwards modified somewhat, at the suggestion of the mission, in order to a closer conformity with the organization adopted by the Protestant Armenians in another part of the empire. For some special reasons, they were advised to delay the election of a native pastor.