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Pixley assured me that you had had them and had handed them on to him." "Mr. Pixley said that?" and Margaret sat up, with very much more than a touch of colour in her face now. In fact it was militantly red and vastly indignant. "Yes. I well, I called upon him at his office just to find out if well, if you were ill or anything like that, you know.

Ralph, the office-boy, outraged, dropped his paper and constituted himself the spokesman of the invaded force. "Hey!" Jill stopped and eyed the lad militantly. "Were you speaking to me?" "Yes, I was speaking to you!" "Don't do it again with your mouth full," said Jill, turning to the door. The belligerent fire in the office-boy's pink-rimmed eyes was suddenly dimmed by a gush of water.

At this point, the cook rushed out with a toasting-fork and militantly ranged herself by Nadezhda's side, exclaiming: "See what comes of not having a single muzhik in the house!"

You pick up two newspapers from Toulouse, for instance, and it is quite on the cards that the leading article of each will be a disquisition upon the philosophy of religion, the one, the "Depeche" of Toulouse, militantly, and often solently atheist; the other as militantly Catholic. You don't get that in Pamplona, and you don't get it in Saragossa.

After healing themselves of the sin, they had before the close of the eighteenth century militantly addressed themselves to the task of abolishing slavery and the slave trade throughout the world.

It is much like the fanatic vice crusader who militantly attacks sin in order to alleviate his own feelings of guilt stemming from the fact that vice actually attracts him. Fear of hypnosis takes different forms, but basically it is the fear of revealing one's true feelings.

She had not needed help and this rush of volunteers to her rescue was, after all, only a denial of the principle for which she so militantly fought; the postulate that when she played a man's game she wished to be treated as a man, asking no favors. Brent and Halloway overheard a little of what was said, for the two voices rose in inflection, under the urge of his earnestness and her feeling.

This was partly from personal pride and partly because the laws of the country made such a union illegal, its parties moral outlaws, its children illegitimate, and thus not entitled to the government benefits bestowed upon all offspring of legitimate parentage. It was this man-made law the women were fighting, and of recent years fighting more and more militantly.

He raised his eyes and looked at the chaplain. "I didn't help him any, you know, sir." "Well, well, that's all over now. We've just one thing to think of, and that's to beat those German devils back to Berlin. And then burn Berlin," he added, militantly.

Talbot, and I want you to love her little daughter Jenny; so, to make it the easier, I shall not describe them at too great a length. Old Mr. and Mrs. Talbot were the sole survivors of the less active founders of New Zion, meekly not militantly pious, stubborn as sheep in a dumb obstinacy of ancient faith, but in no sense dialectical, and in every sense harmless. Mr.