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Wrinkling up his smooth brow, he expressed the belief that it was a difficult world to deal with, and he had had some trouble already in finding out how to manage it. "You see, Tot," he said, "this is a great evenin' with the literary message-boys.

And so an impressive procession was formed, with so many boys in front to clear the way, and then Speug, upheld on the one hand by Nestie, and on the other by Jock, while Bauldie commanded the rearguard and kept the message-boys at a distance, in order to secure due respect for the sufferer.

The Seminary circle was reinforced by all the message-boys within sight, and several ladies who were coming home from the shops. Two maiden ladies, against whose railings Peter had been propped in the hour of his distress, came out their hearts full of compassion and their hands of remedies.

"Ah! ain't he the boy for argufyin' too?" interrupted Pax, "and he'll meet his match in Sandy Tod. And there's Tom Blunter " "And Jim Scroggins " "An' Limp Letherby " "An' Fat Collins " "An' Bobby Sprat. Oh!" exclaimed Pax, with a glowing countenance, "we've got lots o' first-rate men among the message-boys, though there are some uncommon bad 'uns.

"Well, what did you think of that, old girl?" asked Peter Pax of Tottie, on issuing from the Literary Message-Boys' Hall, after having performed his duties there. "It was wonderful. I 'ad no idear that the Post-Office was so old or so grand a' institootion But please don't forget father," said Tottie, with an anxious look at the battered clock. "I don't forget 'im, Tot.

Upon a sign from Speug, who was getting a little weary of inaction, he was helped to his feet, and after one or two staggers seemed to come to himself, and submitted with agreeable humour to the attention of his friends, who dusted him from head to foot, under the superintendence of the ladies and to the huge delight of the message-boys, who were now entering into the meaning of the scene.

After a solemn, and last, consultation with her mother, she left her home with fluttering heart and dry tongue, and made for the General Post-Office. Now it chanced that the Post-Office Message-boys' Literary Association had fixed to hold its first grand soiree on the night of the 15th. It was a great occasion. Of course it was held in Pegaway Hall, the shed in rear of Solomon Flint's dwelling.