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Meller, surgeon of the "Pioneer," during the fortnight of his illness; and as he had suffered very little from fever, or any other disease, in Africa, we had entertained strong hopes that his youth and unimpaired constitution would have carried him through.

"Oh! sirr, 'tis too much; 'tis kingly." "Take it." She took it, and came back, her hands clasping the sovereign and the valentine, in an attitude as of prayer. The old man's gaze rested on her with satisfaction. "I like pretty faces can't bear sour ones. Tell Meller to get my bath ready."

He knows how to obtain bumblebees' honey, paying for this information with an ear like a garnet potato, one of the sort that "biles up meller;" and he knows how to find mushrooms. He brings this treasure home. He inverts the mushroom-cups in a clean frying-pan, fills each one with butter and a pinch of salt, cooks them gently a few minutes dishes them.

You have to haul 'em in, and take down the flyin' pennen of Hope and Asperation, and mount up the lamp of Duty and Meekness for a figger-head, instead of the glowin' face of Proud Endeavor. But them lamps give a dretful meller, soft light, when they are well mounted up, and firm sot. The light on 'em hain't to be compared to any other light on sea or on shore.

"Meller is the only word for it, comrade, and your playing sirs, is artistic though doleful. P'raps you wouldn't mind giving us something brighter a rattling quick-step? P'raps you might remember one as begins: 'Some talk of Alexander And some, of Hercules; if it wouldn't be troubling you too much?"

Whatever difference of opinion was noticeable at the Vienna meeting, all of those present, especially Meller, the reader of the paper just quoted, were decidedly of the opinion that the Elliot operation is in every respect the one best adapted to buphthalmia, or congenital glaucoma.

I tried to stop him. I didn't want him to demean himself before the oarsmen and onlookers by tryin' to find boats that hadn't been hearn on in hundreds of years. But I couldn't git the idea out of his head till after dinner. Then he wuz more meller and inclined to listen to reason. It wuz a oncommon good meal, and he felt quite softened down in his mean by the time he finished.

Meller having now sole medical charge, we could not have his company in our projected trip; but he found employment in botany and natural history, after the annual sickly season of March, April, and May was over; and his constant presence was not so much required at the ship.

The disinterested kindness which he showed to Dr. Meller, and others, forbids that he should be mentioned by us with anything like unkindness.

Again the old man suppressed that spasm, and the veins in his neck and forehead swelled alarmingly. If he had spoken he would infallibly have choked. He ceased eating, and putting his hands on the table tried to raise himself. He could not and subsiding in his chair sat glaring at the stiff, quiet figure of his daughter. "Don't be silly, Father, and make a scene before Meller. Finish your dinner."