United States or Saint Kitts and Nevis ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

He added that its mass was fifty standard tons and that the purpose of its visit was a planetary health inspection. But there was no reply. There should have been a crisp description of the direction from the planet's center at which, a certain time so many hours or minutes later, the force-fields of the grid would find it convenient to lock onto and lower the Med Ship.

And when the lawyer said, "But, my dear fellow," as he was bound to say, St. George answered that down there in Med there would be, by noon of the following day, two determined persons who, if Jarvo would get word to them, would with perfect certainty find Mr. Otho Holland, the king, if he were on the island. And when "Well, but my dear fellow" occurred again, St.

The landing-grid crew shifted the ship to one side, and only then did Calhoun stroll in a leisurely fashion toward the Med Ship by the grid's metal-lace wall. The big ship touched ground, and its exit-port revolved and opened, and the student pilot stood there grinning and heaving out handsful of grain.

He gave the information about the last Med Ship visit. He clicked off. "What?" he asked, "is a blueskin?" He'd read the folio on Weald, of course, but as the ship swam onward through emptiness he went through it again. The last medical inspection had been only perfunctory. Twelve years earlier instead of three a Med Ship had landed on Weald.

Fowler, in consequence of the success of a patent medicine, the Tasteless Ague Drops, which were supposed, "probably with reason," to be a preparation of that mineral. "To his sagacity we are indebted for the first impulse to those regulations by which scorbutus is so successfully prevented in our navy." Cyc. Prac. Med. art.

But Sector Twelve had not been run well. There was no adequate account of a plague which had wiped out three-quarters of the population of an inhabited planet! It had happened shortly after one Med Ship visit, and was over before another Med Ship came by. There should have been a painstaking investigation, even after the fact.

L. It has the common qualities of the other sweet fruits, abating heat, quenching thirst, and promoting the grosser secretions; an agreeable syrup made from the juice is kept in the shops. The bark of the roots has been in considerable esteem as a vermifuge; its taste is bitter, and somewhat astringent. Lewis's Mat. Med. NICOTIANA Tabacum. TOBACCO. Leaves.

Now he read with every appearance of absorption. The girl ate daintily. Murgatroyd watched with highly amiable interest. But she looked acutely uncomfortable. Calhoun finished with the Directory. He got out the microfilm reels which contained more information. He was specifically after the Med Service history of all the planets in this sector.

When at bed-time Jan announced that Tony could not possibly bathe Fay because he mustn't get his hand wet or disturb the dressing, she and Meg tremblingly awaited the awful fuss that seemed bound to follow. But Fay was always unexpected. "Then Med muss wass me," she remarked calmly. The good custom was established and Meg began to perk up again.

Frequently, these structures are divided as the result of wounds; but rupture, due to strain, is not frequent. From Amer. J'n'l. Vet. Med., Vol. In some cases in running horses, or in animals that are put to strenuous performances, such as are jumpers, rupture of tendons or of the suspensory ligament takes place.