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McCulloch's financial policy was the immediate and persistent contraction of the currency.

Its membership seems to have been rather ill defined, for, although I have always been regarded as a member, and am mentioned in McCulloch's book as such, I do not think I ever received any formal notice of election.

His hand slowly went round to his right hip, and suddenly he turned on his friend with a look of desperate meaning. "D'you know what it'll be 'tween you two? This is what it means;" and he whipped out the heavy six that had once been "Tough" McCulloch's, and leveled it at arm's length out prairieward. Tresler thought it was coming at him, and sprang back, while Arizona laughed.

By this Act the minimum limit of legal-tender notes was fixed at $356,000,00, the volume then afloat after Mr. McCulloch's policy of contraction had done its work.

He repeated the same tactics, but the cavity revealed no lurking form within. Naturally, his companions were absorbed in McCulloch's actions, because they knew that any instant a blinding sheet of flame might leap out of the darkness and a bullet send him prostrate and writhing.

But there was no bell. Then I came out and went to look for Andrew McCulloch's house. It stands north of the Green, looking across the churchyard.

Colonel Sigel, with 1,200 men and a battery of six pieces, moved to the left, to get into the rear of McCulloch's right flank; Lyon, with 3,700 men, including two batteries, Totten's with six guns, and Dubois with four, and also including two battalions of regular infantry, inclined to the right so as to come upon the centre of the enemy's front.

Tresler watched him, and the other, looking up, caught his eye. "Guess these things is kind o' tricksy," he observed, in explanation, "I got it jammed oncet. It's a decent weapon but noo, an' I ain't fer noo fixin's. This hyar," he went on, drawing a second one from its holster, "is a 'six' an' 'ud drop an ox at fifty. Ha'r trigger too. It's a dandy. Guess it wus 'Tough' McCulloch's.

McCulloch's plans were to take from the compound-interest notes their legal-tender quality, from the date of their maturity, and to sell six per cent bonds, redeemable at the pleasure of the Government, for the purpose of retiring both the compound-interest notes and the plain legal-tenders.

"Oh, get a move on, Pat, an' tie her up," said the other voice. "It's the Lord knows what o'clock, an' we've a long day before us to-morrow." The lamp moved astern, and the Irishman investigated matters further. "There's bin black wur-rk here, George," he shouted. "The moorin' rope nivver bruk. It was cut." A sharp hiss of breath between McCulloch's teeth betrayed the stress of his emotions.