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Tell a body, do so many officer in 'e army, one nebber know all he name." "'Mericans can't hab 'em. Too poor for dat. Briggerdeer great gentleum, and wear a red coat. Ole time, see 'em in hundreds, come to visit Masser, and Missus, and play wid Masser Bob. Oh! no rebbleushun in dem days; but ebbery body know he own business, and do it, too."

It was near the dinner-hour, and the footman was demurring about admitting a sailor-man, who hardly knew what he said, when a little scream from Chloe, who happened to see me, soon disposed of my claim for an entrance. "Masser Mile! Masser Mile! I so grad dat feller, Neb, say you come home Oh! Masser Mile, now I know dat de rascal at Clawbonny get druv' off!"

How we help it, Masser Mile? As if a body can posserbly help how lub come and go! Lub jest like religion, Masser Mile some get him, and some don't. But lub for a young masser and a young missus, sah dat jest as nat'ral, as lub for ole masser and ole missus. I t'ink nut'in' of neider."

Plunging along with his head down, his thoughts wholly preoccupied with his grievance and its remedy, he bumped into Willing and cannoned off, recognising him with an angry growl. The result of this was to stay Pete's departure; he grasped the frame of the door and steadied himself, glaring round at the aggressor. "'Lo, Roland," he said, focussing his vision. "Whash masser?"

"Well, let him remember den," grinned the negro, showing his ivory teeth from ear to ear. "Muss was my prisoner; and what good he do me, if he let go widout punishment. I wish you tell Masser Corny dat, instead of tellin' him nonsense. When he flog me, who ebber hear me grumble?"

“Ha! what the devil are you doing there, you black rascalhe cried. “Is it not hot enough for your Guinea blood in the house this warm night, but you must drive out the poor dog, and sleep in his strawBy this time the boy was quite awake, and, with a blubbering whine, he attempted to reply to his master. “Oh! masser Richard! masser Richard! such a ting! such a ting!

Night brought no change, unless it was to diminish the force of the wind. A short time before the sun set, one of the negroes said to me, "Masser Ned, John gone." I was forward of the two blacks, and was not looking at them at the time; I suppose I may have been dozing; but, on looking up, I found that one of the negroes had, indeed, disappeared.

I am of your opinion, Guert; so, Jaap, release your prisoner at once, that we may return to Ravensnest, as fast as possible." "Dat berry hard, Masser Corny, sah!" exclaimed Jaap, who did not half like the orders he received. "No words about it, sir, but cut his fastenings" Jaap had tied the Indian's arms behind him, with a rope, as an easy mode of leading him along. "Do you know the man's name?"

Masser Rupert nebber feel a saterfaction to be wracked away, or to be prisoner to Injin! Golly! No gentleum to be envy, sir, 'em doesn't enjoy dat!" "You have a queer taste. Neb, from all which I conclude you expect to return to town with me, in the Wallingford, this evening, and to go out in the Dawn?" "Sartain, Masser Mile! How you t'ink of goin' to sea and leave nigger at home?"

I alway s'pose, Masser Mile, dat Miss Grace and Masser Rupert come togeder, some time; as we all expects you and Miss Lucy will. Dem are happy days, sah, at Clawbonny, for den we all know our new masser and new missus from de cradle. No, no we can nebber spare Miss Grace, sah; even I should miss her in 'e field!"