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Women authors who have written works with a special tendency are Cornelie Huygens, who is known particularly by her novel 'Barthold Maryan; Mrs. Goekoop de Jong, who champions the cause of women's rights; and Anna de Savornin Lohman, who, in a striking book entitled, 'Why question any longer? has written very bitterly against the political conditions of the circle of society in which she moves.

He had rendered them the most varied services frequently, he had simply been at their service always, and had loved them; especially Maryan, the dear child and many others. How many times had he nursed them, also, in sickness, consoled them, rescued them, amused them. Now, when he cannot run after them, as a dog after its mistress, his only comrades are darkness and silence.

Her seriousness was so evident that Maryan answered, with a smile: "If your speech is to be as solemn as your face is we shall have little joy. What have you to tell me?" Without answering she led him through the blue drawing-room to the next one more faintly lighted. Here she halted, looked around, and, seeing only inanimate objects, asked: "Why have you quarrelled with father?"

Is it settled? Are you going to America surely?" "It has crystallized this far," answered Maryan, "that I start no later than to-morrow. Emil will remain here some weeks yet. I, to become acquainted with the people and the country, leave here to-morrow." Kranitski straightened himself and sat there dumb for a time, with fixed look, then he repeated: "To-morrow?"

That black wall, in which an enchanted row of empty drawing-rooms stood silent, seemed to put itself down on him. But again he looked toward the desk; there, among a multitude of papers, lay a letter from Maryan, received many days before. Darvid had not destroyed or put away this letter, and not knowing himself the reason why, had left it on the desk there.

Quenching in the ash-pan the fifth or sixth cigarette, Maryan inquired: "But if perchance I should not agree to enter that school?" Darvid answered immediately: "In that case you will remain here, but without means of independent existence. You will be free to live under my roof, and appear at the parental table; but you will not receive a personal income of any kind.

This time, in his turn, astonishment was depicted on the face of Darvid, indignant to that degree that a slight flush appeared on cheeks generally pale. "Folly!" hissed he, and immediately restrained himself. "You are incurring enormous debts; on what security?" Maryan, at least apparently, had regained perfect confidence in himself.

"A truce to malicious phrases, Emil," interrupted Maryan. "Thou art not threatened with the fate of Werther because my sister has broken with thee " "Of course not!" laughed the baron. And Maryan added quickly: "And thou shouldst even offer up to her that painted pot, called gratitude, because she has not closed to thee the road to some daughter of a multi-millionnaire Yankee.

Let me have your portrait painted by an artist from whose canvas comes a breath from beyond this world." He inclined his cherub head and kissed his mother's hand, which was resting on Cara's shoulder. "And kiss me, too!" cried Cara. "Sentiment!" said Maryan, straightening himself, "beware of sentiment, little one. I, thy great-grandfather, say this to thee."

With the departure of the baron he lost the only ground on which he met Maryan that dear child. The very thought now of Maryan, from whom after so many years of life in common he was separated, brought tears to Kranitski's eyelids. He took a seat on a bench of the garden, and wishing to light a cigarette drew the golden case from his pocket.