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Marigold also brought into my bedroom a precious old Waterford claret jug which I had loved and secretly coveted for twenty years, with a card attached bearing the inscription "With love from Anthony." That was his dumb, British way of informing me that he was taking my advice.

She took my hat and opened the parlor door; there was a general dazzle, and I bowed to somebody and sat down somewhere, and in about two minutes the mist cleared away, and I saw Belle Marigold, with a rose in her hair, sitting not three feet away, and smiling at me as if coaxing me to say something. "Quite a shower?" I remarked. "Indeed is it raining?" said she.

Every self-respecting house was plastered with fresh mud; every window and doorway garlanded with marigold and jasmine buds; every brain, absorbed in the paramount speculation, as to how the sacrificial buffalo would behave.

A marigold lay in the path, an orange-coloured scrap with a broken stem, dropped from some coolie's necklace. Hilda picked it up, and drew in the crude, warm pungency of its smell. She closed her eyes and drifted on the odour, forgetting her speculations, losing her feet.

The chambers of the "Violet" and the "Marigold" were not too frivolous or fantastic to be consulted by one who knew human nature and the constitution of Netherland society so well as did the Prince. Night and day he labored with all classes of citizens to bring about a better understanding, and to establish mutual confidence. At last by his efforts tranquillity was restored.

There is a poverty in the two towers, both from their size and the meagerness of the windows; but the slim spires at the summit are, doubtless, nearly of a coeval date with that which supports them. The bottom of the large circular or marigold window is injured in its effect by a Gothic balustrade of a later period.

"It is already autumn," she wrote to Ann Sherrill. "The summer has flown by like a bright-winged bird. For days now the forests have been splashed with red and gold. The orchards are heavy with harvest apples, the tassels of the corn are dark and rusty, and the dooryards of the country houses riot gorgeously in scarlet sage and marigold, asters and gladiolas.

The smaller, and the three-toothed marigold occur from time to time, provided with ray florets, showing a positive variation. And the white marigold has produced in our gardens a variety without rays. Such varieties are quite constant, never returning to the old species. Positive and negative varieties of this kind are by no means rare among the compositae.

MARSH MARIGOLD. This fine yellow flower is also made double by culture, and finds a place in the flower garden. CHEIRANTHUS fruticulosus. WALLFLOWER. Is a plant possessing great beauty, and very interesting on account of its fine scent. We have this plant also improved by culture, making many fine double varieties. It is a biennial, and easily raised from seeds, which should be sown in June.

Marigold must be the type of detective, though, as I have said, he was totally unacquainted with the genus. "Major Okewood, Marigold," said the Chief, "a friend of mine!" Mr. Marigold mustered Desmond in one swift, comprehensive look. "I won't give you my hand, Major," the detective said, looking down at Desmond's proffered one, "for I'm in a filthy mess and no error.