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Manuelita hesitated; she thought perhaps Parlo might visit her. Jacopo noticed her hesitation, and said with a smile that tore his heart into pieces: "I have also asked Parlo to accompany us, because he is such good company!"

Neither Parlo nor Manuelita said a word, and, engaged only with each other, believed that Jacopo was trying to save them, and only as the mast heavily struck the waves realized their peril. The storm now absolutely controlled the light boat and twisted her round here and there. Jacopo lifted his axe again and cut down also the foremast.

The Corsican sobbed bitterly, and the count continued: "How long it is since I saw your bright face on the strand; at that time you were happy in the possession of Manuelita, and to-day I find you broken, despairing, and alone!" Jacopo could only go on sobbing, and hot tears came down his pale, haggard cheeks. "You have killed Manuelita," whispered the count softly. Jacopo trembled.

The father of the beautiful Catalonian was on the point of becoming vexed when he saw Jacopo, but soon became almost dumb when the Corsican waved a well-filled purse and reminded him of his promise. Scarcely a month elapsed before the marriage was celebrated, and happy Jacopo led the beautiful Manuelita to the neat abode which he had prepared for her.

He was the father of Dona Manuela, known by the affectionate diminutive, Manuelita, throughout the land, and loved and admired by all, even by her father's enemies, for her compassionate disposition. Perhaps she was the one being in the world for whom he, a widower and lonely man, cherished a great tenderness.

Porfer deciphered and read aloud with an earnest and not altogether unsuccessful attempt at the dramatic effect which he deemed befitting to the occasion and his rhetorical abilities: MANUELITA MURPHY. Born at the Mission San Pedro Died in Hurdy-Gurdy, Aged 47. Hell's full of such. In deference to the piety of the reader and the nerves of Mrs.

"He told you quietly, Manuelita will not become a poor man's wife." "And perhaps that was no insult?" continued Jacopo, vehemently. "All people cannot be rich." "But Manuelita's father has also told you something else?" asked Monte-Cristo, quietly. "Oh, yes," replied Jacopo, bitterly; "he called after me that if I came back with twenty thousand francs, then Manuelita should be mine.

Irresolute, the crowd stared at the sailor, and he, taking advantage of the momentary quietness, jumped over tables and benches into a corner, where the solitary guest sat, and placed his hand upon his shoulder: "Up!" he called with penetrating voice, "up in the name of Manuelita!"

A few days later the corpses of Parlo and Manuelita were driven on the strand, and now what had caused Jacopo to become insane was no more a riddle had he not in one day lost the wife and the friend?

All lights that can be seen from the sea are ordered extinguished at night, though the lighthouse on Isletta is still lighted. The U. S. S. Yankee, off the Isle of Pines, captured and destroyed the Spanish sloops Nemesia, of Batabano, Amistad and Manuelita, of Coloma, and the pilot-boats Luz and Jacinto. June 28.