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Updated: August 13, 2024

Not distant from the mansion-house of the present proprietor, the ruins of the old castellated residence of the Cockburns may be seen; and, in the deserted burying-ground that surrounded the chapel, there is the broken tombstone, recording the deaths of the last members of the family, in the simple terms we have already mentioned.

Uncle was in hopes of getting some work at the mansion-house when he came back." "Can your uncle write and read?" "I believe he can a little, miss." "What do I owe you for the scissors?" "Nothing, miss, if you please; I had rather not take anything from you." "And why not from me?" "Because I never worked for so pretty a lady before.

Poor E. M.! Poor everybody that sighs for earthly remembrance in a planet with a core of fire and a crust of fossils! Such was the Dudley mansion-house, for it kept its ancient name in spite of the change in the line of descent.

What does He then but reveal himself to his servants, and, as his manner is, first to his Englishmen I say, as his manner is, first to us, though we mark not the method of his counsels and are unworthy? Behold now this vast City, a city of refuge, the mansion-house of Liberty, encompassed and surrounded with His protection.

To all this Dick replied by sticking his long spurs deeper and deeper into his flanks, until the creature found he was mastered, and dashed off as if all the thistles of the Pampas were pricking him. "One more gallop, Juan?" This was in the last mile of the road before he came to the town which brought him in sight of the mansion-house.

He knew that if it had been fine for four weeks instead of four days, it would rain when he went out; he was lugubriously happy in the conviction that Friday would be a wretched dayand so it was. ‘I knew how it would be,’ said Dumps, as he turned round opposite the Mansion-house at half-past eleven o’clock on the Friday morning. ‘I knew how it would be.

Here we landed, and, climbing a steep slope from the river-side, paused a moment or two to look at an architectural object, called the Carfax, the purport of which I do not well understand. Thence we proceeded onward, through the loveliest park and woodland scenery I ever saw, and under as beautiful a declining sunshine as heaven ever shed over earth, to the stately mansion-house.

A hunting-lodge which stood on the lawn of an old and picturesque mansion-house, the property of a gentleman named Corbin, was placed at his disposal he had declined the offer of rooms in the house itself lest he should trespass on the convenience of its inmates; and to show the peculiar constitution of the Confederate army, an anecdote recorded by his biographers is worth quoting.

At this moment I was seated at my ease, beside the lady of the mansion-house, and was a spectator of the whole transaction through the window. I was ashamed of and in despair at my negligence. The kind lady wished to hide me when the firing was heard in the farm-yard.

As I thus stood, transfixed with wonder, I began to grow painfully conscious of the injuries I had received in the scuffle; skulked round among the sand-hills; and, by a devious path, regained the shelter of the wood. On the way, the old nurse passed again within several yards of me, still carrying her lantern, on the return journey to the mansion-house of Graden.

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