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He was ready for some new venture and an accidental circumstance in Manningtree turned him into a wholly new field of endeavor. He assumed the rôle of a witchfinder and is said to have taken the title of witchfinder-general. He had made little or no preparation for the work that now came to his hand.

A traveller will hardly understand me, especially a seaman, when I speak of the River Stour and the River Orwell at Harwich, for they know them by no other names than those of Manningtree water and Ipswich water; so while I am on salt water, I must speak as those who use the sea may understand me, and when I am up in the country among the inland towns again, I shall call them out of their names no more.

Both snarled at Mr. Manningtree, the steward, and resented the slightest familiarity on his part. Lord Fareham's thoughtful face brightened with its rare smile half amused, half cynical as he watched Angela's eager looks, devouring every object on the road.

How many servants have you?" "I have never reckoned them. Manningtree knows, no doubt; for his wages book would tell him. I take it there may be more than fifty, and less than a hundred. Anyhow, we could not exist were they fewer." "More than fifty people to wait upon four!" "For our state and importance, cherie. We are very ill-waited upon.

And just then Heaven sent old Manningtree I didn't tell you before of the fortunate intervention of Manningtree, did I? He was looking quite infernally distinguished, with a wide crimson ribbon across him what IS a wide crimson ribbon? Some sort of knight, I suppose. He is a knight.

Among the ill weeds which flourished amid the long dissensions of the civil war, Matthew Hopkins, the witch-finder, stands eminent in his sphere. This vulgar fellow resided, in the year 1644, at the town of Manningtree, in Essex, and made himself very conspicuous in discovering the devil's marks upon several unhappy witches.

Landing there, they took passage by boat to Manningtree and thence by horse home, where they astounded their father and mother by their sudden appearance. "And this is what comes of your soldiering," Mrs. Vickars said when the first greeting was over. "Here is Geoffrey with plasters all over the side of his head, and you, Lionel, looking as pale and thin as if you had gone through a long illness.

I always take the old humour when travelling; I find it soothing to the nerves. Passing over the points at Manningtree the train gave a lurch, and a horse-shoe he had carefully placed in the rack above him slipped through the netting, falling with a musical ring upon his head. He appeared neither surprised nor angry.

"A Frenchman?" "Yes, child. One only accepts British workmanship when a Parisian artist is not to be had. Clever as Lewin is, if I want to eclipse my dearest enemy on any special occasion I send Manningtree across the Channel, or ask De Malfort to let his valet who spends his life in transit like a king's messenger bring me the latest confection from the Rue de Richelieu."

I might have been burnt alive, or have expired in a fit, for aught any of those over-fed devils cared." "But could they not be better regulated?" "They are, when Manningtree is at home. He has them all under his thumb." "And he is an honest, conscientious man?" "Who knows? I dare say he robs us, and takes a pot de vin wherever 'tis offered.