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'In the meantime, Smith continued, 'Try not to isolate yourself so much. Loneliness will kill you by itself. Throw in alienation and remorse, and it's no wonder you feel the way you do. He looked the man-child straight in the eye, and said sincerely. 'Be my friend, Kalus. The rest of us aren't so bad. But if you have trouble being open with them, then start with me.

Then the fear of fatherhood mingled wildly with the joy of creation; I wondered how it looked and how it felt what were its eyes, and how its hair curled and crumpled itself. And I thought in awe of her, she who had slept with Death to tear a man-child from underneath her heart, while I was unconsciously wandering.

When the news of their approach reached King Teghmus, he bade celebrate the wedding festivities and adorn the city; after which he went in unto the Princess and abated her maidenhead; nor was it long before she conceived by him and, accomplishing her months, bare a man-child like the moon on the night of its full.

"Mother know'd 'twas no moon, for she asked another woman that had an almanac, as she did whenever a boy was born to her, because of the saying, 'No moon, no man, which made her afeard every man-child she had. Do ye really think it serious, Mister Fairway, that there was no moon?" "Yes. 'No moon, no man. 'Tis one of the truest sayings ever spit out.

An instinct toward devising was a great thing to its possessor in the time of the cave people. We know very well to-day, or think we know, that the influence of the mother, in most cases, dominates that of the father in making the future of the man-child.

I have been studying some of the New York magazines, going rather hungrily through their advertisements where such lovely layettes are described. My poor little Dinky-Dink's things are so plain and rough and meager. I envy those city mothers with all those beautiful linens and laces. But my little Spartan man-child has never known a single day's sickness. And some day he'll show 'em!

'Survival, said Kalus bluntly. 'Just like everyone else. 'Yes..... Are you angry with me? The man-child studied the face of the other, finding nothing but friendship, sensitivity and good intentions. 'No, he said sadly. 'I don't know what to feel. 'Should we talk about this another time? 'What would it change? 'Probably nothing, said Smith ruefully.

The man-child is the next object that claims our attention. Some have supposed that it represented Jesus Christ in his first advent to the world. But this could not be; for Christ is never represented as being the offspring of the church, but, on the other hand, is declared to be its originator.

Yet Lovin Child was answering every one of Bud's mute questions. Lying there in his "Daddy Bud's" arms, wrapped comically in his Daddy Bud's softest undershirt, Lovin Child was proving to his Daddy Bud that his own man-child was strong and beautiful and had a keen little brain behind those twinkling blue eyes. He was telling why he cried.

Lovin Child was a near and a very dear factor in his life but when it came to sitting down calmly and setting his affairs in order for those who might be left behind, Lovin Child was not the only person he must think of. What of his own man-child? What of Marie?