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The MacReady boys were not meeting the same success in their contracting ventures for which two former generations had been noted. And, after their father's death, one particularly disastrous contract quite reduced the family's financial standing and consequent importance.

Her first remarkable hits were made in Emilia, Meg Merrilies, and Nancy the latter in Oliver Twist. But it was not till she met with Macready that the day of her deliverance from drudgery really dawned.

Then to Vicenza, Padua, and Venice again. Shall you come to town, anywhere near town, soon? I shall be off again as soon as my book is out, whenever that will be. I never read that book of Miss Martineau's, so can't understand what you mean. Macready is looking well; I just saw him the other day for a minute after the play; his Kitely was Kitely superb from his flat cap down to his shining shoes.

On board ship, our buskined heroes are of more importance than Booth, Forrest, or Macready ashore, as affording amusement to a set of fellows who would have precious little of it, without this resource. At 3 P.M. up anchor for the leeward, and stand off with a good breeze. We have passed Bassa Cove, merely sending in some letters by a Kroo-canoe, which boarded us.

Both parties now began active preparations for the eventful night the rioters by increasing and organizing their forces, and setting on foot plans to get possession of the house; the friends of Macready, to prevent this from being done, and at the same time secure sufficient aid from the authorities to suppress all open violence.

Talfourd was a good lawyer, a worthy man, and as noted above, the friend and editor of Lamb. But his tragedies are very cold, and it is difficult to believe that Ion can have had any other attraction besides the popularity and skill of Macready, who indeed was greatly responsible for the appearance both of this and of better plays.

How a man with any self-respect could have refrained from denouncing it, and repudiating all sympathy and connection with it by a public card, it will be difficult for men of ordinary sensibility to imagine. Macready now determined to throw up his engagement altogether, but after much consultation and deliberation changed his mind.

Only one of the numbers A Blot in the 'Scutcheon attained the distinction of a second edition, and this probably because the drama as published was helped to a comparative popularity by its representation on the stage. This tragedy of young love and death was written hastily in four or five days for Macready.

Macready should have done what others have been compelled to do given up the attempt and waited for a more propitious time. That a man has a right to play or speak, is true; but men of all grades have always asserted the right to show their displeasure of the acting of the one or the sentiments of the other.

We know how Macready impressed him, though the finer genius of Kean became very apparent to his retrospective judgment of the two; and it was impossible to see or hear him, as even an old man, in some momentary personation of one of Shakespeare's characters, above all of Richard III., and not feel that a great actor had been lost in him.