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On the 22nd of March he writes again, to Macready, who seems to have remonstrated with him on his growing discontent: "It is of no use, I am disappointed. This is not the republic I came to see; this is not the republic of my imagination. I infinitely prefer a liberal monarchy even with its sickening accompaniment of Court circulars to such a government as this.

Off the seat he tumbled, and, with land-lubber's luck, unshipped the other oar and away it floated, and a mile from land, they drifted. Alac MacReady was Scotch-English. The family had executed a number of important contracts for the British government; one of these had brought two of the boys to Canada.

Indeed, Kelly's sweet music was the only part of the theatrical apparatus in any respect worthy of the play. The late Mr. Kean made some progress in the study of Ordonio, with a view of reproducing the piece; and we think that Mr. Macready, either as Ordonio or Alvar, might, with some attention to music, costume, and scenery, make the representation attractive even in the present day.

To keep the rowdies from occupying the house, tickets were sold or given away only to those known to be friendly to Macready; while to suppress violence, three hundred police were promised, to be supported if necessary by two regiments of soldiers, who were ordered to be under arms at their quarters, ready to march at a moment's notice.

Jones had called her son Macready; "for," she said, "his poor papa would have made a fortune on the stage, and I wish to commemorate his talents. Besides, Macready sounds better with Jones than a commoner Christian name would do." But his cousins called him MacGreedy. "The apples of the enchanted garden were guarded by dragons. Many knights went after them.

Removal to Hatcham; some Particulars Renewed Intercourse with the second Family of Robert Browning's Grandfather Reuben Browning William Shergold Browning Visitors at Hatcham Thomas Carlyle Social Life New Friends and Acquaintance Introduction to Macready New Year's Eve at Elm Place Introduction to John Forster Miss Fanny Haworth Miss Martineau Serjeant Talfourd The 'Ion' Supper 'Strafford' Relations with Macready Performance of 'Strafford' Letters concerning it from Mr.

It was, however, not till August 3 that Macready wrote in his diary: 'Forster told me that Browning had fixed on Strafford for the subject of a tragedy; he could not have hit upon one that I could have more readily concurred in. A previous entry of May 30, the occasion of which is only implied, shows with how high an estimate of Mr.

From certain rehearsals Phelps was unavoidably absent through illness. Macready who read his lines on these occasions, now was caught by the play, and saw possibilities in the part of Tresham which fired his imagination. He chose, almost at the last moment, to displace his younger and less distinguished colleague.

The son of Macready, the actor, he had a subtlety of mind not common among British generals, to whom "subtlety" in any form is repulsive. His sense of humor was developed upon lines of irony and he had a sly twinkle in his eyes before telling one of his innumerable anecdotes. They were good stories, and I remember one of them, which had to do with the retreat from Mons.

Well, then, a stock company was a company of actors and actresses brought together by the manager of a provincial theater to support a leading actor or actress "a star" from London. When Edmund Kean, the Kembles, Macready, or Mrs. Siddons visited provincial towns, these companies were ready to support them in Shakespeare.