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Thus would he, in the least suspicious manner, and in the very act of loyalty, occasion that quantity of disturbance just necessary to corroborate his representations to government free property from disaffected persons, whose consciences were proof against both his threats and promises and prove to the world that Valentine M'Clutchy was the man to suppress disturbance, punish offenders, maintain peace, and, in short, exhibit precisely that loyal and truly Protestant spirit which the times required, and which, in the end, generally contrived to bring its own reward along with it.

In Mr. M'Clutchy it is possible I may be mistaken; in Mr. Hickman it is possible I may be mistaken I am not infallible I am frail a very sinner, but not removed wholly, I would trust, out of the range of grace.

"And you have no money, Tom!" said Val, smiling, "that, Tom, is a bad business for we never wanted it more than we do at present. Seriously, have you the rent?" "D n the penny, brother M'Clutchy; and what's more, won't have it for at least three months." "That's bad again, Tom. Any news? any report?"

"Ay, Val the Vulture Val the Vulture I like that fellow like him for his confoundedly clever roguery; only he's a hypocrite, and doesn't set the world at defiance as I do; no, he's a cowardly, skulking hypocrite, nearly as great a one as M'Slime, but doesn't talk so much about religion as that oily gentleman." In a few moments M'Clutchy entered. "Good morrow, Val.

In fact, he had reached that meanness and utter degradation of soul which absolutely feels comfort, and is glad to take refuge, in the very contempt of an enemy. "I hope you're satisfied," said his father. "All right, my old fellow all right, Captain M'Clutchy, Magistrate and Grand-juror.

Excuse this plainness, my Lord, it is well meant and void of intentional offence. "I shall be ready in a few days to deliver all books, papers, documents, &c, connected With the property, to any person duly authorized by your Lordship to receive them. "I have the honor to be, &c, "Henby Hickman." The Right Honorable Lord Cumber to Valentine M'Clutchy: Doncaster, April, 18

"Old Deaker You have me fast, and you know it so I suppose must is the word; now I'll tell you what I want, you old villain; I want two thousand pounds, and if M'Clutchy is to get the agency, I must have the money so there is my must as well as yours.

"Brother M'Clutchy," said Irwin, "I'm afraid you've made a bad night's work of it. By the moon above us, I wouldn't take the whole Castle Cumber property and stand in your shoes from this night out." "Why so?" said Phil, who was now safe and beyond their immediate reach; "why so, Irwin? I'll tell you what, Irwin; d my honor, but I think you're cowardly. Did you see how steady I was to-night?

The painful shock occasioned by this last vindictive proceeding on the part of M'Clutchy, came at a most unhappy moment.

"Rent," observed the other, surprised, "why, it is only a few minutes since Mr. M'Loughlin told me that M'Clutchy assured him " "Captain M'Clutchy, sir, if you plaise." "Very well Captain M'Clutchy, or Colonel M'Olutchy, if you wish, assured him that "