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He did not swear it to himself; he had no need. They rode on to Fred Thurman's ranch, dismounted at Warfield's suggestion which amounted to a command and began a careful search of the premises. If Warfield had felt any doubt of Lone's loyalty he appeared to have dismissed it from his mind, for he sent Lone to the stable to search there, while he and Hawkins went into the house.

I've quit the Sawtooth." Brit's eyes cleared and studied Lone's face. "D'you know anything?" "No, I don't." Lone's face hardened a little. "But I wanted you to know that I'm with the Quirt, now." "Frank hire yuh?" "No. I ain't hired at all. I'm just with yuh." "We need yuh," said Brit grimly, looking Lone straight in the eyes. "Frank come yet?"

In a few minutes Lone returned, to find Senator Warfield trying to glean information from Swan, who seemed willing enough to give it if only he could find enough English words to form a complete sentence. Swan, then, had availed himself of Lone's belittlement of him and was living down to it. But Lone gave him scant attention just then. "She hasn't come back.

Jack went sniffing obediently in wide circles, crossing unconcernedly Lone's footprints while he trotted back and forth. He hesitated once on the trail of the horse he had followed, stopped and looked at Swan inquiringly, and whined. Swan whistled the dog to him with a peculiar, birdlike note and called to Lone. "You come back, Lone, and let Yack take a damn good smell of you.

He left only a little while ago, and I was waiting for one of the boys to come back so I could send him to town." It was on Lone's tongue to ask why the doctor had not taken in the order himself and instructed some one to bring out the things; but he remembered how very busy with its own affairs was Echo and decided that the doctor was wise.

They were afraid of what Lorraine knew. They wanted to eliminate her, and they had made the blunder of working independently to that end. Lone's anxiety he did not even consider. He believed that Lone would be equal to any immediate emergency and would do whatever the circumstances seemed to require of him. Warfield counted him a Sawtooth man.

Lone stiffened in his chair, felt under his coat, and then got up with some deliberation and looked out of the window before he went to the door. All this was a matter of habit, bred of Lone's youth in the feud country, and had nothing whatever to do with his conscience. "Hello!" he called, standing in the doorway and grinning a welcome to Swan, who stood with one arm resting on the board gate.

He left only a little while ago, and I was waiting for one of the boys to come back so I could send him to town." It was on Lone's tongue to ask why the doctor had not taken in the order himself and instructed some one to bring out the things; but he remembered how very busy with its own affairs was Echo and decided that the doctor was wise.

Indeed, if he followed the trail up Granite Creek and across the hilly country to Quirt Creek, he must pass within fifty yards of the Thurman cabin. Lone's time was limited, yet he took the direct route rather reluctantly. He did not want to be reminded too sharply of Fred Thurman as a man who had lived his life in his own way and had died so horribly.

"It didn't, you say." Lone's eyes were turned to his coffee cup. "It don't kill Brit Hunter not yet. I think maybe he dies with all his bones broke, like that. By golly, that shows you what could happen if a man don't think. Brit should look at that chain on his wheel before he starts down that road." "Oh. His brake didn't hold, eh?" "I look at that wagon," Swan answered carefully.