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Wouldn't the old lobsterman be surprised?" "Well, he wouldn't be the only one to be surprised," spoke Mollie. "I think we would ourselves," added Betty, with a laugh. "Now, girls, let's see what we really have found." With a bunch of seaweed Mollie brushed from the box the sand that clung to it. Then the outdoor girls gathered around the case as it rested on the log.

The song-sparrows were singing from the house-tops; across the ocean the sun shone gloriously, and pouring its beams upon the dew-sprinkled grass, turned their blades into sparkling sheaths which mocked poor Mary, searching for false diamonds. No one was in sight but a lobsterman out in his dory. From one or two chimneys the smoke was beginning to curl, showing that there were other early risers.

Issy, the perspiration running down his face, stood up in the Lady May's cockpit and looked out across the bay, smooth and glassy in the afternoon sun. The sky overhead was clear and blue, but along the eastern and southern horizon was a gray bank of cloud, heaped in tumbled masses. A sunburned lobsterman in rubber boots and a sou'wester was smoking on the wharf.

"What are tin-backs?" asked Amy, but before the lobsterman could answer, Betty, from within the cottage, called to her chums: "Come, girls, and select your rooms!" Amy remained standing beside the old lobsterman. Mollie and Grace had followed Mrs. Nelson and Betty into the cottage. Mr. Nelson was paying the carriage driver, and arranging to have some things brought over from the station.

The quahaug boats were anchored just inside the Point; a clam digger was wading along the outer edge of the sedge; a lobsterman was hauling his pots in the channel; even the bluebird on the wild cherry stump had a straw in his beak and was plainly in the midst of nest building. Everyone had something to do and was doing it everyone except Lute Rogers and myself, the "birds of a feather."

The lobsterman made other attempts at conversation, but they were unproductive. McKay was gazing at the growing fog bank and thinking hard. To doctor an engine may be difficult, but to get lost in a fog He took the compass from the glass-lidded binnacle by the wheel, and carrying it into the little cabin, placed it in the cuddy forward.

We stood watch- and-watch, I'd sleep while Spook took the wheel, and then I sailed her while he had a nap. This morning we were off this island about seven o'clock and we met a lobsterman in his boat. We bought some lobsters of him and he gave us this paper." Spike pulled it out from under a seat and handed it to me. I still have that paper.

She smiled at Tin-Back and entered the house. "Where were you?" demanded Betty. "I want you to see which room you like best. There are several to choose from." "I was talking with the lobsterman," explained Amy. "He is called Tin-Back because he never sells that sort of crab, and he hopes he can find a lump of ambergris in a dead whale some day."

"See you." Oliver stepped outside. Greenery had been wound around the lamp posts. Holiday lights were strung overhead. The sidewalks were filled with shoppers crowded between store windows and low snowbanks piled along the curb. Someone had brushed the snow from the bronze lobsterman kneeling on his pedestal outside the bank buildings. Oliver liked The Swiss Time Shop, run by a Swiss watchmaker.

I have a feeling in my bones that I may land a smuggler or two." "Oh, Will!" expostulated his sister. "Don't joke. That may be serious." "I only hope it is serious," he declared. "What's the matter with going out to-day?" asked Allen. "Wa'al, it looks like a squall," replied the old lobsterman. "If ye do go don't go out too far." "Oh, I don't want to go!" objected Grace.