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Here I was only yesterday noontime loafin' through the arcade, when who should I get the hail from but Hunch Leary, with a bookful of rush messages and his cap down over his ears.

In those thirty-foot fingers the tiny cards looked like little bits of pink confetti. The Giant seemed to like the game, but Marmaduke beat the three little Chinamen, and the Giant, too, for all he was so big. They had finished the second hand, when the Giant looked at his furnace. "There, that's what I get for loafin'," he said, "my furnace is 'most out."

In his own particular way he seems to be enjoyin' this yachtin' trip huge, just loafin' around elegant in his white flannels, smokin' cigarettes continual, soppin' up brandy-and-soda at reg'lar intervals, and entertainin' Mr. Ellins with his batty remarks.

To his wife's repeated questioning he would reply, sheepishly, "Oh, just loafin', that's all." And Emily was nervous, too. Of late she had taken a great fancy to a daily walk, and it always led in one direction down past the little brown house. Of course, she glanced over the fence at the roses and lilacs, and she couldn't help seeing that they all looked sadly neglected.

I suppose them yarns I told him had added to his romantic ideas about living uncomfortably out-of-doors, but every time he said it I felt mean again. "Still, Satan mischief always finds for idle hands to do. After about five days of loafin' I turned the conversation to the uncertainty of things in general; we talked a good deal about it.

To think o' that pore gal a-settin' watchin' her trunks bein' pushed into the creek by a lot o' loafin' bums o' miners, an' no one honest enough, nor man enough to raise a hand to to " "With respec', ma'm, you're talkin' a heap o' foolishness," cried Buck impatiently, his anxiety for the girl overcoming his deference for the other's sex.

An now, my belobbed brederen, lets in terwestigate how tar git bale; how to avoid de Sing Sing ob de world wot's got to cume. Fiddlin an dancin wont do it. Yer'll neber git ter hebben by loafin, pitchin cents, an dancin Juba! De only way is ter support de preacher, gib yer money ter me, and I'll take yer sins on my shoulder.

Then Paul knew the familiar, whimsical tone. The light had burst upon him all at once. "Shif'less Sol!" he exclaimed. "Jest me," said Sol; "an' ain't I about the purtiest Shawnee warrior you ever saw? Why, Paul, I'm so good at playin' a loafin' savage from some other village that nary a Shawnee o' them all has dreamed that I am what I ain't.

She went to bed with the matter still undecided, and the first thing she thought of when she opened her eyes the next day was the ring. A conversation overheard between her mother and Manda, the cook, added to her uneasiness. "Miss Mary, did you know there was a 'tective loafin' round town?" "A detective? No, I did not. If there is, it won't make any difference to you and me," answered Mrs.

Where have you been?" cried Quentin, shaking him violently in his agitation. "Gimme time, gimme time!" panted Turk. "I've got to git my breath, ain't I? She's flew th' coop, an' I couldn't head her off. Say, has a priest been loafin' aroun' here lately?" "A priest!" cried Lord Bob. "There hasn't been one here since Father Bivot came three years ago to " "I mean this week, not t'ree years ago.