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"Well, Jack Williams," retorted Moxey, "it's more than I can say of you, for you never say anything worth listenin' to, and you couldn't look like Solomon if you was to try ever so much. You're too stoopid for that." "I say, lads," cried Frank Willders, "what d'ye say to send along to the doctor for another bottle o' cough mixture, same as the first?"

They're real chummy, as you might say. Talk and talk, just as easy and common as you and I this minute. I've heard 'em two or three times at my house when they thought I wasn't listenin' and twice out of the three they was talkin' about you." "About ME?" I repeated. "Yes. I don't wonder you're surprised. I was myself. Asked Nellie about it and she just laughed.

"'Listen! says he. "And I listened and but you won't believe this part " "I will." "Well, I heared him playin'! Not loud not very near but so clear not one of the littlest, tinkly notes was lost. I never heard playin' like that no, mam! And the ward was still. I never heard the ward still, like that. I think I went to sleep listenin'. I don't know."

Been listenin' to her readin'. Gee, you'd think we were floatin' round this codfish lake just for the fun of it! She won't run to cover if a bust-up comes. None whatever! And I bet she can cook, too. Them kind can always cook." Conversation lapsed. Below, Jane was passing through an unusual experience. Said Cleigh at the start: "I'm going to show you the paintings there are fourteen in all.

I ain't got the nerve, either, to look at Sadie while I'm doin' the introducin'. I was watchin' Mrs. Hackett Wells sort of fascinated and listenin' to her chatter on. "Well, if this don't froth the eggs!" says she, pattin' me chummy on the shoulder. "Havin' you show up like this! And, say, lemme put you wise, here's where you want to stick around for a week or so. Yea, Bo!

He says too as it's very hard to get a still crowd that day 'cause people are afraid to get absorbed listenin' for fear suthin' may go off under 'em while they ain't keepin' watch. Mr.

Callate he kin hear as far as the governor's table, and he don't look as if he knows anything. One way he built up his power listenin' when they're talkin' sly out there in the rotunda. They're almighty surprised when they l'arn he knows what they're up to. Guess you understand how to go along by quiet and listen when they're talkin' sly."

That little girl in there, as you call her, is the bad man who held up the Fort Allison stage." The officer laughed tolerantly as he lit a cigarette. "I hear you say it, Norris." "I didn't expect you to believe it right away, but it's a fact just the same." Flatray climbed to the fence and rested his feet on a rail. "Fire ahead. I'm listenin'."

He has been listenin', an'" the old man rose and shook the papers above the head of the engineer "God an' the woods have been talkin' the truth to my poor brother Gideon."

But havin' no business of me own on the place, I stayed behind, a listenin'. An', purty soon up pipes the beautiful music; an' right atop o' that comes bedlam!