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Back of his glance, as they came together, was an intimation of hidden things, and at sight of him she was smitten by an electric flash of wonder. The voice of Wyeth, that friendly, untroubled voice, she now remembered had called to no specific Linford.

He could find the patience, and he had the time but it would give him great happiness if opportunity came along to help in the work. In everyday language, Linford Pratt wanted a chance he waited the arrival of the tide in his affairs which would lead him on to fortune. Leave him alone he said to himself to be sure to take it at the flood.

Not at first, for he mumbled hesitatingly, without authority of manner or point to his words, but the phrase, "the fundamental defect of the Christian religion" caused even the Unitarian to gasp over his glass of mineral water. His green eyes glittered pleasantly upon Bernal from his dark face with its scraggly beard. "That's it, Mr. Linford tell us that we need to know that do we not, gentlemen?"

Such news of Bernal Linford as had come back to Edom, though meagre and fragmentary, was of a character to confirm the worst fears of those who loved him. The first report came within a year after his going, and caused a shaking of many heads.

But across the street, all unknown to Collingwood, Linford Pratt was thinking a good deal. Collingwood had taken his car from a rank immediately opposite Eldrick & Pascoe's windows; Pratt, whose desk looked on to the street, had seen him drive away soon after ten o'clock and return about half-past twelve.

Linford, attending services religiously with his mother and sisters and nearly making a row in the club café one afternoon when the other and more obdurate cynic declared, with a fine assumption of the judicial, that Linford was "the best actor in New York on the stage or off!" It was concerning this habit of the daily stroll that Aunt Bell and her niece also disagreed one afternoon.

His last confusion of ideas was a wondering if Bernal Linford was as good a name as Ben Holt, and why he could not remember having chosen it in preference to a goldpiece. Back of this, in his fading consciousness was the high-coloured image of a candy cane, too splendid for earth. Then, far in the night, as it might have seemed to the little boy, came the step of slippered feet.

Fourth: that copy had come into Linford Pratt's hands through Antony Bartle. And now arose two big questions. What were the terms of that will? And where was the duplicate copy? He was still putting these to himself when noon of the next day came and brought Eldrick and Byner for the promised serious consultation.

This was the church and this the patron above all others that the Reverend Allan Delcher Linford would have chosen, and earnestly did he pray that God in His wisdom impart to him the grace to please Browett and those whom Browett permitted to have a nominal voice in the control of St. Antipas. Both Aunt Bell and Nancy came to feel the strain of it all.

It was here, in his old home, that the Reverend Allan Delcher Linford found his first pastorate. Here from the very beginning he rendered apparent those gifts that were to make him a power among men.