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It is a Saying of a great Kofiran Poet, that Virtue is like a steep Island, there is no setting Foot on it again when once one is out of it. Zeokinizul was a sad Instance of this. In the midst of these delightful Meetings, which consisted entirely of Confidence, Liamil obtain'd Leave for one of her Sisters to be admitted.

Could she have suspended her excessive Devotion to receive the King her Husband in a becoming Manner, there had been an End of all Jeflur's Schemes, and Kelirieu's thousand Tomans had been saved to the Treasury; but her sending him Word, that she begg'd his Highness would suffer her to finish her Devotion before she waited on him, gave him Time enough to talk to Liamil, who did not fail of exerting all her Talents, which charm'd the King to that Degree, that he thought Kelirieu had not exceeded in his high Enconiums, the Wit and agreeable Qualities of this Lady.

Kelirieu soon brought it about, for the King seeing nothing dangerous to his Freedom in Liamil, was easily prevailed upon by the Entreaties of his Confident, to admit of another Visit from her. Accordingly he sent her a Message to come in the Evening to a certain Chamber in the Palace. It is easy to conceive how welcome this Message was to her. She was there some Time before the King appeared.

Besides, it was no Novelty for a Kofiran King to keep a Mistress older than himself, and some have been even known to retain the Affections from Father to Son, to the third Generation. Liamil did not fail to keep so promising an Appointment.

Zeokinizul had such a paternal Love for his People, that the Loss of a hundred thousand brave Soldiers, and above seven Millions of Tomans would have greatly afflicted him, had his Passion for Liamil left him any Freedom of Thought, but in her Company, he was insensible to every other Concern.

The Apartment had but a dim Light; however, this rather favoured than prejudiced Liamil, as her Wit was to kindle the first Desires in Zeokinizul. Their Conversation must however, remain a Secret, as neither of them has reveal'd it to any one.

Satires and Lampoons flew about every where, in which both Lover and Mistress were so openly exposed, that any one who was a Stranger to their Fickleness, and how suddenly they pass from one Extreme to the other, would have been apprehensive that the most dangerous Commotions were at hand. However, Zeokinizul was so charmed with Liamil, that he was continually with her.

And you are for seducing him by Liamil, who has as few Charms as any Court Lady, and who, besides, is under conjugal Engagements. How shocking will the Idea of this complicated Guilt appear to the Prince, who cannot bear the Thoughts of a single Infidelity? Ah! learned Mollak, you require of me what is beyond my Power, and out of the Course of Nature.

This second Act of Perfidiousness in her Sisters, fill'd Liamil with Rage. As she had imagined the King's Heart to be her Property by right of Prescription, she bitterly reproach'd him for his Inconstancy.

So that all the soothing Speeches of the Mollak made no Impression on him, neither was Jeflur greatly concerned at it; for, being long practised in Wickedness, he had already discovered a Way to remove his Fears, without hazarding his Tomans. Endeavour, says he to Liamil, to preserve those Remains of Favour which the King still has for you.