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As she was soon violently seiz'd with the Approaches of Death, it was believed by the Generality, who had no Notion of foul Play, that Lenertoula had been overcome by an Excess of Joy, which is always more forcible than that of Grief, especially in Women. Upon this Notion, a Kofiran Wit made four Verses, which may be thus rendered in English.

It is a Saying of a great Kofiran Poet, that Virtue is like a steep Island, there is no setting Foot on it again when once one is out of it. Zeokinizul was a sad Instance of this. In the midst of these delightful Meetings, which consisted entirely of Confidence, Liamil obtain'd Leave for one of her Sisters to be admitted.

Besides, it was no Novelty for a Kofiran King to keep a Mistress older than himself, and some have been even known to retain the Affections from Father to Son, to the third Generation. Liamil did not fail to keep so promising an Appointment.

After a fruitless Trial of all the peaceable Ways of Bribery and Negotiation to compass his End, the Mollak was at last oblig'd to order the Kofiran Troops to march.