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When there were no more encore verses, Ignatz Levitsky would turn to the audience and bow in acknowledgment of the compliment. Pinchas's eyes were orbs straining at their sockets; froth gathered on his lips. Mrs. Goldwater bounded on, fantastically mad, her songs set to comic airs. The great house received her in the same comic spirit.

And they know how to startle one, too. I got quite a fright myself in '32, in Vienna, I assure you; but I didn't cave in to them, I ran away instead, ha, ha!" "Come, come, I've always heard that you ran away with the beautiful Countess Levitsky that time throwing up everything in order to do it and not from the Jesuits at all," said Princess Bielokonski, suddenly.

Not only was Ignatz Levitsky starred in equal type, but another name stood out larger than either: Ophelia .. .. .. Fanny Goldwater. His wrath reflaming, he hurried round to the stage-door. He pushed it open, but a gruff voice inquired his business, and a burly figure blocked his way. 'I am the author, he said with quiet dignity. 'Authors ain't admitted, was the simple reply.

His master was prepared promptly to reinforce him; Constantinople was perhaps nearer its fall in 1828 than in 1878, and certainly Diebitch was much smarter than were the Grand Duke Nicholas, his fossil Nepokoitschitsky, and his pure theorist Levitsky. The contrast between the character of our own contemporary military operations and that of those of the smooth-bore era is very strongly marked.

A crowd of ragamuffins camp out at a window where Santa Claus and his wife stand in state, embodiment of the domestic ideal that has not yet gone out of fashion in these tenements, gazing hungrily at the announcement that "A silver present will be given to every purchaser by a real Santa Claus. M. Levitsky."

Suddenly a strange gurgle spluttered through the cigarette smoke. He read the announcement again. The Yiddish 'Hamlet' was to be the Passover production at Goldwater's Theatre. The author was the world-renowned poet Melchitsedek Pinchas, and the music was by Ignatz Levitsky, the world-famous composer. 'World-famous composer, indeed! cried Pinchas to his garret walls.

'Who ever heard of Ignatz Levitsky? And who wants his music? The tragedy of a thinker needs no caterwauling of violins. Does Goldwater imagine I have written a melodrama? At most will I permit an overture or the cymbals shall clash as I take my call. He leaped out of bed. Even greater than his irritation at this intrusion of Levitsky was his joyful indignation at the imminence of his play.

He fell with an echoing clamour, to which his clattering cane contributed, and clouds of dust arose and gathered where erst had stood a poet. Goldwater stopped dead. 'Can't you sweep quietly? he thundered terribly through the music. Ignatz Levitsky tapped his baton, and the orchestra paused. 'It is I, the author! said Pinchas, struggling up through clouds like some pagan deity.