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"It's a nice game," said the Leprecaun, "and so is Capon-the-back, and Twenty-four yards on the Billy-goat's Tail, and Towns, and Relievo, and Leap-frog. I'll teach you all these games," said the Leprecaun, "and I'll teach you how to play Knifey, and Hole-and-taw, and Horneys and Robbers. "Leap-frog is the best one to start with, so I'll teach it to you at once.

As her husband was away in a distant part of the wood nothing further could be done at that time, so the Leprecaun returned again to his fellows without any good news, but he promised to come back early on the following day. When the Philosopher come home late that night the Thin Woman was waiting up for him. "Woman," said the Philosopher, "you ought to be in bed."

"Well, Seumaseen and Breedeen, you are good little children, and I like you very much. Health be with you until I come to see you again." And then the Leprecaun went back the way he had come. As he went he made little jumps and cracked his fingers, and sometimes he rubbed one leg against the other. "That's a nice Leprecaun," said Seumas. "I like him too," said Brigid.

The Leprecaun who had enticed them away from home brought them back again, and on parting he begged the children to visit Gort na Cloca Mora whenever they felt inclined. "There's always a bit of griddle bread or potato cake, and a noggin of milk for a friend," said he. "You are very kind, sir," replied Seumas, and his sister said the same words.

"It's the Leprecaun, sergeant," said Shawn in a whisper "he's got away when I was hitting the man there I forgot all about the Leprecaun: he must have run into the hedge. Oh, sergeant, dear, don't say anything to me now !" "Quick march," said the sergeant, and the four men moved on through the darkness in a silence, which was only skin deep.

"I do," said the sergeant. "Doesn't it stand to reason that it can't be anything else? You saw it yourself." Shawn plumped down on his knees before his captive. "Tell me where the money is?" he hissed. "Tell me where the money is or I'll twist your neck off." The other men also gathered eagerly around, shouting threats and commands at the Leprecaun. "Hold your whist," said Shawn fiercely to them.

"What's wrong with you?" said the sergeant: "are you hurted?" "The prisoner!" he gasped, "he, he's got away!" "Got away?" and the sergeant's voice was a blare of fury. "While we were looking at the Leprecaun," said the voice of woe, "I must have forgotten about the other one I, I haven't got him " "You gawm!" gritted the sergeant. "Is it my prisoner that's gone?" said Shawn in a deep voice.

"Noble Sir," said the Leprecaun, "you are terrible hard to get into conversation with. I have been talking to you for the last long time and you won't listen." "I am listening now," replied the Philosopher. "You are, indeed," said the Leprecaun heartily. "My brothers are on the other side of the road over there beyond the hedge, and they want to talk to you: will you come with me, Noble Sir?"

The children had slid down so unexpectedly that they almost forgot their good manners, but as soon as Seumas Beg discovered that he was really in a room he removed his cap and stood up. "God be with all here," said he. The Leprecaun who had brought them lifted Brigid from the floor to which amazement still constrained her.

A Leprecaun is of more value to the Earth than is a Prime Minister or a stockbroker, because a Leprecaun dances and makes merry, while a Prime Minister knows nothing of these natural virtues consequently, an injury done to a Leprecaun afflicts the Earth with misery, and justice is, for these reasons, an imperative and momentous necessity.