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Stirn dolorously wiped his own. "Look at that 'ere dumb cretur," said Stirn, suddenly, pointing to the stocks, "look at it. If it could speak, what would it say, Leonard Fairfield? Answer me that! 'Damn the stocks, indeed!" "It was very bad in them to write such naughty words," said Lenny, gravely. "Mother was quite shocked when she heard of it this morning." LENNY. "No, sir; indeed I does not!"

Our poor friend Lenny drew plenty of this stuff from the tinker's bag. He thought it very clever and very eloquent; and he supposed the statistics were as true as mathematical demonstrations. A famous knowledge-diffuser is looking over my shoulder, and tells me, "Increase education, and cheapen good books, and all this rubbish will disappear!" Sir, I don't believe a word of it.

Riccabocca, the Machiavellian sagacity with which the Italian had counted upon securing the services of Lenny Fairfield was speedily and triumphantly established by the result.

I wish to speak with you. You look well, my child: this air agrees with you as well as that of Hazeldean?" "Oh, yes, Sir!" "Yet it is higher ground, more exposed?" "That can hardly be, sir," said Lenny; "there are many plants grow here which don't flourish at the squire's. The hill yonder keeps off the east wind, and the place lays to the south." "Lies, not lays, Lenny.

"Never mind me," said the parson, as Mrs. Fairfield dropped her quick courtesy, and smoothed her apron; "if you are going into the hayfield, I will go with you; I have something to say to Lenny, an excellent boy." WIDOW. "Well, sir, and you are kind to say it, but so he is."

On that Lenny Fairfield did not feel quite assured. According to all the experience of the villager, the boy was not dressed like a young gentleman. Leonard's notions of such aristocratic costume were naturally fashioned upon the model of Frank Hazeldean. They represented to him a dazzling vision of snow-white trousers and beautiful blue coats and incomparable cravats.

"Lenny," said Riccabocca, "my young lady has been telling me that she has been very naughty, and Giacomo very unjust to you. Forgive them both." Lenny's sullenness melted in an instant: the reminiscences of tracts Nos. 1 and 2, "Like the baseless fabric of a vision, Left not a wreck behind."

Dale; and the Papisher went and sat with him and his mother a whole hour t' other day; and that boy is as deep as a well; and I seed him lurking about the place, and hiding hisself under the tree the day the stocks was put up, and that 'ere boy is Lenny Fairfield." "Whew," said the squire, whistling, "you have not your usual senses about you to-day, man.

No, sir; we poor folks have our feelings, as I said to Mrs. Dale, and as I will say to the squire hisself. Not that I don't thank him for all favours, he be a good gentleman if let alone; but he says he won't come near us till Lenny goes and axes pardin. Pardin for what, I should like to know? Poor lamb! I wish you could ha' seen his nose, sir, as big as your two fists.

And his English not supplying familiar vituperatives sufficiently, he poured out upon Lenny such a profusion of Italian abuse, that the boy turned red and white, in a breath, with rage and perplexity.