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His nose swept the ground, and Langdon saw the dust rise where the grizzly's hot breath stirred it. And after that, for another long and terrible thirty seconds, the bear and the man looked at each other. Then very slowly and doubtfully Thor half turned. He growled. His lips drew partly back.

In that Congress were three of the "thirty-nine" who framed the original Constitution. They were John Langdon, George Read, and Abraham Baldwin. They all probably voted for it.

"Premature," she suggested. The maid returned. "Mr. Wall says Senator Langdon is wanted at once at the Capitol." "Great heavens!" exclaimed Langdon, springing to his feet and glancing at the clock. "I'm late! I'm late! I hope to God I'm not too late!" "Mr. Wall says a carriage is coming for Senator Langdon," concluded the maid. "We must talk this matter over some other time, Mrs.

Moreover, everybody knew that destroyers with reciprocating engines were far and away the easiest to handle. So, from what Langdon said, though it is true that he may have been rather prejudiced by the fact that she was his first independent command, the fifteen-year-old Rapier was a jewel of fair price.

When daylight finally came I went to the door and told those inside to come out and to come out unarmed. They obeyed at once, and eleven men filed out of the cabin. Of the number, there was but one that any of us had ever seen before, or to my knowledge ever saw again. The one was a brother of Langdon, and we at once placed him under arrest that he might not render his brother assistance.

Nothing loath, Dorothy consented, and away they whirled down the street; and it was very fortunate too, for in less than three minutes later Jack had appeared at the cottage. "I have been wondering if you really cared to go to the matinée on Labor Day," said Langdon, in his low, sweet, smooth voice, which had never yet failed to capture the hearts of susceptible young girls.

He hasn't numbers enough to stand against an army driven forward by a hand like that of General Sheridan." While Dick, the sergeant and the spy looked from the woods upon the lights of Fisher's Hill the Invincibles lay in an earthwork before it facing their enemy. Harry Kenton sat with St. Clair, Langdon and Dalton. The two colonels were not far away.

It was a round table and Olivia's eyes lingered upon its details the embroidered cloth with real lace in the center, the graceful antique silver candlesticks, the tall vases filled with enormous roses everything exquisitely simple and tasteful. Langdon talked with her until Mrs. Herron, impatient at his neglect, caught his eye and compelled his attention.

"'Gentlemen: It cannot be delayed longer! The time is at hand! We must determine which of us shall die to furnish food for the rest! "MR. JOHN J. WILLIAMS of Illinois rose and said: 'Gentlemen I nominate the Rev. James Sawyer of Tennessee. "MR. Wm. R. ADAMS of Indiana said: 'I nominate Mr. Daniel Slote of New York. "MR. CHARLES J. LANGDON: 'I nominate Mr. Samuel A. Bowen of St. Louis.

Clemens was to take a train that evening, but young Langdon said, when he recovered: "Look here, Clemens, there's a train in half an hour. I'll help you catch it. Don't wait until tonight; go now!" Mark Twain shook his head. "No, Charlie," he said, in his gentle drawl. "I want to enjoy your hospitality a little longer. I promise to be circumspect, and I'll go to-night."