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There was a little oratory attached to the hall, where he and the lay brethren kept the hours, to a certain degree, putting two or three services into one, on a liberal interpretation of laborare est orare. Ambrose's responses made their host observe as they went out, "Thou hast thy Latin pat, my son, there's the making of a scholar in thee."

How much it conflicts with our modern habit of putting God as far away from daily life as we can! The prayer is the consecration of our work for bread. The indirect way by which it is answered is a great blessing, and it pledges us to labour. Orare est laborare.

You and I, in our adherence to a simpler, less ornate and æsthetic form of devotion than prevails in the great Episcopal churches, are by no means free from the danger which, in a more acute form, besets them, of substituting participation in external acts of worship for daily righteousness of life Laborare est orare to work is to pray.

You will find work to do, and you will not need to return to your mountain to pray. You will understand that work itself is prayer laborare est orare. Your prayer towards the sky was barren and profitless, but prayer towards the earth, work, will give full satisfaction to your soul. "And I mocked him. "'What lie is this? I said. 'How do you dare to confuse labour and prayer?

Seventy-three years' droning along under mission rule has ended in vain repetition of spiritual adjurations to the dullard Indians. To-day hammer and saw, the shouts of command, the din of trade, the ships of all nations, and the whistle, tell of the new era of work. The steam engine is here. The age of faith is past. "Laborare est orare" is the new motto. Adios, siesta! Enter, speculation.

Double daffodils stood erect and conspicuous like commissioned officers along the line of yellow jonquils that bordered the walks, and snowy narcissus and purple and rose hyacinths made a fragrant mosaic over which the brown bees swung, and hummed their ceaseless hymn laborare est orare.

Were I one of the occupied, laborare est orare would satisfy me, and that poor governess ought to feel the same. Think of the physical reaction of body on mind, and tell me if you could have the barbarity of depriving that poor jaded thing of an hour's sleep, giving her an additional walk, fasting, in all weathers, and preparing her to be savage with the children."

In these, as in all other practical affairs, we act on the aphorism, Laborare est orare; we admit that intelligent work is the only acceptable worship, and that, whether there be a Supernature or not, our business is with Nature. We have ceased to believe in miracles.

Just as a matter of encouragement I had the artist of the community print a Latin motto in fine Gothic characters: "LABORARE EST ORARE" This I tacked to the block at the woodpile. We had one orator in the community just one. Next morning, when the motto stared him in the face, he said: "Gee whiz! that's great Labour is oratory!"

One of their precepts a precept up to which all lived was: "Laborare est orare," To work is to pray. Someone has said that the difference between the genius and the ordinary man is that the genius has a tireless capacity for patient, hard work, while the other regards effort as a painful exaction, and is ever looking forward to the time when he can rest.