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And now he had removed the uniform and was about to draw off his own jacket and assume the white coat of the Austrian. "It is a great happiness," said he, "that we need not change our trousers, a little clearer or darker gray can make no difference in the night." Charles Henry was in the act of drawing on the coat of the dead man, when Fritz Kober suddenly seized his arm and held him back.

"Marry him!" said the king, amazed; "is, then, officer Buschman " "A woman, your majesty!" interrupted Fritz Kober, with joyful impatience. "He is a woman; his name is Anna Sophia Detzloff, from Brunen."

With every possible caution, they hastened away, and only after they had left the camp of the Russians and Austrians far behind them, and passed again over the battle-field did Fritz Kober break silence. "Well," said he, sighing, "what have we to say to the king?" "All that we have heard," said Charles Henry. "Yes, but we have heard nothing," murmured Fritz.

They had relied chiefly on two sources of income: first, Zinzendorf's estates; second, a number of business concerns known as Diaconies. As long as these Diaconies prospered, the Brethren were able to keep their heads above water; but the truth is, they had been mismanaged. In the time of need came the deliverer, Frederick Köber. His five measures proved the salvation of the Church.

Their generals have certainly taken up their quarters in the village. You must ascertain that positively, and then draw near their quarters. You will return as quickly as possible, and inform me of all that you hear and see." "Is that all?" said Fritz Kober. "That is all. Now be off, and if you do your duty well, and return fresh and in good order, you shall be both made officers."

"I ought to know you," said he, "this is not the first time we have spoken together. What is your name, my son?" "Fritz Kober is my name," said the grenadier. "And yours?" "Charles Henry Buschman," said the other. "You are not mistaken, sir king! we have met and spoken before, but it was on a better night than this." "Where was it?" said the king.

So those over there are the cats and we are the bull dogs!" Frederick was highly amused. "Take care," said he, "that 'those over there' do not hear you liken their empresses to cats." "And if they are empresses," said Fritz Kober, dryly, "they are still women, and women are cats." The king looked over toward the camp-fires, which were boldly shining on the horizon.

In vain they had sought and called upon one another, and each one thought of the fearful possibility that the other had fallen. At last they stumbled upon each other. With shouts of joy they rushed into each other's arms. "You are not wounded, Fritz Kober?" said Charles Henry, with a beating heart. "I am unharmed; but you, my friend?" "Only a little cut in the hand, nothing more.

"Well," said Fritz Kober, thoughtfully, "one can do nothing better than to be good to a man who deserves it, and who is himself so kind, and pure, and brave, that a poor fellow like myself feels ashamed, and looks down when the soft eyes are fixed upon him. I tell you what, Charles Henry, there is a power in your eyes, and they have subdued me.

"I will carry them myself to the king, as I have a favor to ask him," said Fritz Kober. "Come with me, Charles Henry; you must hear what the king says." He took Charles Henry's hand and advanced to the door, but Deesen stood there, and forbade him to enter; he ordered Fritz to give him the breeches.