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A sore fight: but he won it. "Have you hope?" they asked him in his last moment, when he could no longer speak. He lifted his finger, "pointed upward with his finger," and so died. Honor to him! His works have not died. The letter of his work dies, as of all men's; but the spirit of it never. One word more as to the letter of Knox's work.

But Calvin and Beza and Knox's friends in the French Protestant Church generally had held to the stronger view of the magistrate's duty, even amid all his persecutions of them; and Knox's passionate indignation against idolatry had led him, even in his early English career, to maintain the duty not only of the magistrate, but even of the subject in so far as he had power, to punish it with death.

There was, however, another consequence of this affair which gave Washington much more pain than any differences with the President. His old friend and companion in arms, General Knox, was profoundly hurt at the decision which placed Hamilton at the head of the army. One cannot be surprised at Knox's feelings, for he had been a distinguished officer, and had outranked both Hamilton and Pinckney.

Lord Kitchener, who was in command at Klip Drift at the moment, instantly unleashed his mounted infantry in direct pursuit, while Knox's brigade sped along the northern bank of the river to cling on to the right haunch of the retreating column. Cronje's men had made a night march of thirty miles from Magersfontein, and the wagon bullocks were exhausted.

Has it not been, in this world, as a practiced fact? Did Hero-worship fail in Knox's case? Or are we made of other clay now? Did the Westminster Confession of Faith add some new property to the soul of man? God made the soul of man. He did not doom any soul of man to live as a Hypothesis and Hearsay, in a world filled with such, and with the fatal work and fruit of such !

"The foundress of the Babylonian walls" is a myth; "the Rhodope that built the Pyramid" is not a creditable myth; for exceptions to Knox's "Monstrous Regiment of Women" we must fall back on "The Palmyrene that fought Aurelian," and the revered name of the greatest of English queens, Victoria.

Again, as I have already explained, it would not do for me to take refuge in Basutoland. But even that would be better than to attempt to hold out where I was in a narrow belt of country between two rivers in flood against the overpowering force which was at General Knox's disposal, and which in ten or twelve days would increase tenfold, by reinforcements from all parts of the country.

"Did you not see that sign on the gate?" demanded the girl. "I did," he replied, still smiling as he removed his hat, one of Knox's panamas. "And I owe you an apology." She advanced to the top. He noted the riding-crop gripped rather firmly in her clenched hand. "No one is permitted to come up here," she announced, stopping a few feet away. She was quite tall and straight.

Laing's preface to the sixth volume of Knox's Works, p. lxii. Works, vi. 534. Ibid. iv. 220. Ibid. iii. 380. Ibid. iv. 220. Works, iii. 380. Ibid. iv. 238. Works, iv. 240. Works, vi. 513, 514. Works, vi. 11. Works, vi. 21, 101, 108, 130. Ibid. vi. 83. Ibid. vi. 129. Ibid. vi. 532. Works, i. 246.

It is not impossible that his very difficult position as the lover of Marjorie Bowes a position of which, while he remained in England, the burden fell on the poor girl may have been one reason for Knox's flight, while the entreaties of his friends that he would seek safety must have had their influence.