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Big as the boat was, it had been buried from sight in the flying smother between crests. The next moment, in the thick of the Mane, the boat leaped up a crest and into view. To Kit's amazement he saw the whole long bottom clearly outlined. The boat, for the fraction of an instant, was in the air, the men sitting idly in their places, all save one in the stern who stood at the steering sweep.

"Kit's horse is running away with her," he exclaimed, his hand trembling. But Dad Patten and Indian Joe merely smiled. "It had to come," said the girl's father. "Whenever Kit leaves that horse, even for a week, she has to go through this. Powder wants to be boss and tries to win, but Kit is always master."

Others too had seen and heard. A shot rang out in the stillness: the Grenadier under the thorn came back on his picquet at the double. The shot was answered ironically from the hill-side by the English Last Post. Here in the dawn France and England challenged each other tauntingly. It was splendid. Kit's blood danced to it.

Oh!" shrieked Kat; but the tide was going out and carrying her shoe farther away every minute. They could not get it; but Grandfather reached down with his rod and fished out both of Kit's shoes. Then Kat took off her other one and her stockings, and they all three went back to the beach. Grandfather and Kat covered Kit up with sand to keep him warm while his clothes were drying.

Norah shrugged her shoulders, and answered with no more feeling in her voice than if she had been speaking of inanimate things: "She's got to keep Kit up to her work." "Up to her work!" "Yes; that's just it. Kit's lazy and cheats buys cakes and candies; and Sal has to come down on her; it's the way, you know.

As Amy said: "It doth not behoove us to say a blessed word against Marcelle when she is racing ahead in all our classes, and plucking honors right and left." Marcelle smiled at Kit's remark.

The moonlight touched the front of the building and part of the road was bright, but the shadow of the forest had crept across the rest. All was very quiet; there was no sound in the gloom. Then a flake of plaster fell close behind Kit's head and a sharp report rolled across the trees.

"Kit's coming down the beck; he's brought the Herdwicks!" she cried. "Canny lad!" said Railton, and leaning back limply, wiped his face. His forehead was wet with sweat, for he was weak and the suspense had been keen. The sheep vanished behind a wall, and Lucy began to put fresh food on the table. Mrs.

Robbins was inclined to take it as rather a good joke on the Dean, but the mother bird could not get over a certain little feeling of conscience in the matter, perhaps because she could remember her own visit with her uncle and aunt, and still retained a certain feeling of veneration for the two old people. But the rest of the family pinned its faith on Kit's persuasive adaptability.

"Unless they live close by, they won't have had time to reach me yet, even if Kit's given the show away," Clo thought. But of course, "Chuff" might have 'phoned from a house round the corner. Peterson might have chosen the Westmorland Hotel in order to be near his friends! Clo locked the door, took out the key, and dropped it behind the trunk at the end of the hall.